
ISdpNodeContainer::GetNodeStringData (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method retrieves the contents of a string or URL node.

HRESULT GetNodeStringData(ULONG nodeIndex,NodeData* pData);


  • nodeIndex
    [in] Zero-based index of the node within the container.
  • pData
    [in, out] On input or output, pointer to the NodeData structure containing the string.

Return Values



If NodeData::u.url.val is non-null, NodeData::u.url.length indicates the length of the supplied buffer. If the supplied buffer is shorter than the total length of the contents of the node, the length of the buffer is copied over and S_FALSE is returned.

If NodeData::u.url.val is NULL, ISdpNodeContainer allocates a buffer, copies the contents over, and assigns the buffer to NodeData::u.url.length. In this case, NodeData::u.url.length is set to the length of the buffer. The CoTaskMemFree function must be called to free the buffer allocated by ISdpNodeContainer.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Bthapi.h, Bthapi.idl.
Link Library: Btdrt.lib.

See Also

CoTaskMemFree | NodeData | ISdpNodeContainer

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