
Copying an Image from a Graphics Application and Pasting It to a Toolbar Button or Menu Command (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can copy an image from a graphics application and paste it to a toolbar button or menu command.

To copy an image from a graphics application and paste it to a toolbar button or menu command

  1. In the graphics application, copy the image you want to appear on the toolbar button or menu command to the Clipboard.

    If you can select the format for the copied graphic, select bitmap or picture format.

  2. Switch to Platform Builder.

  3. Display the toolbar that has the image or menu command you want to change.

  4. From the Tools menu, choose Customize.

    The Customize dialog box must remain open; however, you can move it.

  5. To paste the copied image to a toolbar button, right-click the toolbar button that you want to copy the image to and then choose Paste Button Image from the shortcut menu.

  6. To paste the copied image to a menu command, select the menu that has the command you want to copy the image to, right-click the menu command, and then choose Paste Button Image from the shortcut menu.

For a clear image, copy a picture that is the same size as a default button image or menu command.

The default button image is 16 x 16 pixels; the large button image, which you can enable on the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog box, is 32 x 32 pixels.

A larger image might be distorted because it will be scaled to fit the size of the button.

See Also

Toolbars and Menus

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