
Platform Builder User's Guide (Windows CE 5.0)

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Microsoft® Platform Builder for Windows CE is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building customized embedded operating system (OS) designs based on the Microsoft Windows® CE OS.

Platform Builder comes with all development tools necessary for you to design, create, build, test, and debug a Windows CE–based OS design.

The IDE provides a single integrated workspace where you can work on both OS designs and projects.

In This Section

  • Catalog Overview
    Provides information about the Catalog and tasks you can perform to modify the Catalog.
  • Platform Builder IDE
    Describes elements of the IDE, including the user interface and tools you can use to work with workspaces and projects.
  • Platform Builder Directory Structure
    Explains the layout and contents of the run-time image and OS directories, which might vary depending on choices you make when you install Platform Builder.
  • Context-Sensitive Help
    Provides assistance with elements of the user interface, such as wizards, dialog boxes, tabs, and windows.
  • Error Messages
    Provides information about error messages that you might encounter when working with Platform Builder.
  • Compilers for Microprocessors
    Provides information about supported microprocessors included with Platform Builder.
  • Welcome to Windows CE 5.0
    Provides introductory information about Windows CE 5.0 and Platform Builder, including tutorials and support information.
  • Migrating from an Earlier Version of Windows CE
    Provides information about how to migrate existing workspaces to Windows CE 5.0.
  • Developing an Operating System
    Describes how to use Platform Builder to create and customize an OS design that you can use to build a run-time image for download to a target device. Information about creating software development kits is also included.

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