
Localizing a Run-time Image Configuration File (Windows CE 5.0)

To localize a run-time image configuration file

  1. Create your run-time image configuration files by using unique tokens in place of the values to localize.

    By convention, the token is commonly LOC_*.

    The following code example shows how to use the LOC_FRIENDLYHAYESCOMPAT token in a Common.reg file.


"Port"="COM1:" "DeviceType"=dword:1 "FriendlyName"=LOC_FRIENDLYHAYESCOMPAT

  1. Create your .str files to include localized strings for all the LOC_* values that you created in your run-time image configuration files.

    If you do not create localized strings for all LOC**_*** values, Platform Builder will return an error during the Makeimg.exe process.

    The following code example shows how to define the LOC_FRIENDLYHAYESCOMPAT token in an .str file.

    // Common.reg translations

#define LOC_FRIENDLYHAYESCOMPAT "Hayes Compatible on COM1:"

The next time you run Makeimg.exe, Platform Builder replaces LOC_FRIENDLYHAYESCOMPAT in Common.reg with "Hayes Compatible on COM1:".

See Also

OS Localization | Run-time Image Configuration File Localization

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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