
Absolute Binary Data Format (Windows CE 5.0)

The Absolute Binary Data (.abx) file format is a byte-for-byte mirror image of the data in ROM. The raw binary file format is used to contain a raw binary image of the run-time image, which is as it appears in the memory on the target device. The image does not contain the header information that the .bin file includes. The .nb0 file is typically larger than the .bin file.

This format contains no wrappers and works especially well when only raw data is required. For example, this is useful when placing the initial run-time image directly on the target device. This is usually done with a built-in monitor program provided by the board manufacturer. You can also place the run-time image on the target device through a JTAG connection using a JTAG probe.

Romimage.exe has options that allow the the run-time image to be split into multiple absolute binary data files based on the ROM addressing and size requirements.

When the run-time image is split into multiple files, the file name extension contains a sequence number in place of the x**in the .abx file name extension. This file name extension allows you to identify multiple run-time images.

Romimage.exe fills all unused regions with zeros.

To define this format, use the following configuration options in the CONFIG section of the Config.bib file:


Use the ROMSTART and ROMSIZE configuration options in conjunction with the memory table to specify a RAMIMAGE section for your run-time image.

ROMSTART defines the address where your image begins in memory; ROMSIZE defines how big it is. This means that your image occupies a continuous region of memory between the ROMSTART address and the sum of ROMSTART and ROMSIZE.

See Also

Run-Time Image Files | Windows CE Binary Image Data Format | Binary Image Builder File | Cvrtbin Tool

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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