
Implementing the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2 Function (Windows CE 5.0)

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In your Windows CE .NET 4.2 or later keyboard driver, replace the implementation of the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx function with an implementation of the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2 function.

Perform the following steps in the files that contain the declaration and the implementation of the Windows CE .NET 4.1 or earlier KeybdPdd_GetEventEx function. Usually, these files are named Ps2keybd.hpp and Ps2keybd.cpp.

To implement the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2 function

  1. In the source file, replace the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx function implementation with the KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2 function implementation.

    The following code example shows an implementation of KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2.

      UINT uiPddId,
      UINT32 rguiScanCode[16],
      BOOL rgfKeyUp[16]
      UINT8 ui8ScanCode;
      UINT cEvents = 0;
      static UINT32 scInProgress;
      static UINT32 scPrevious;
      static BOOL fKeyUp;
      DEBUGCHK(rguiScanCode != NULL);
      DEBUGCHK(rgfKeyUp != NULL);
      DEBUGMSG(ZONE_SCANCODES, (_T("%s: scan code 0x%08x, code in progress 0x%08x, previous 0x%08x\r\n"), pszFname, ui8ScanCode, scInProgress, scPrevious));
      if (ui8ScanCode == 0xf0) {
        fKeyUp = TRUE;
      else if (ui8ScanCode == scE0Extended) {
          scInProgress = 0xe000;
      } else if (ui8ScanCode == scE1Extended) {
          scInProgress = 0xe10000;
      } else if (scInProgress == 0xe10000) {
          scInProgress |= ui8ScanCode << 8;
      } else {
          scInProgress |= ui8ScanCode;
          if ((scInProgress == scPrevious) && (fKeyUp == FALSE)) {
              // mdd handles auto-repeat so ignore auto-repeats from keybd
          else {
              // Not a repeated key.  This is the real thing.
              // The Korean keyboard has two keys which generate a single
              // scan code when pressed.  The keys do not auto-repeat or
              // generate a scan code on release.  The scan codes are 0xf1
              // and 0xf2.  It does notlook like any other driver uses
              // the 0x71 or 0x72 scan code so it should be safe.
              // If it is one of the Korean keys, drop the previous scan code.
              // If we did not, the earlier check to ignore auto-repeating keys
              // would prevent this key from working twice in a row because the
              // key does not generate a scan code on release.
              if ( ( fKeyUp == TRUE ) ||
                  ( scInProgress == 0xf1 ) ||
                  ( scInProgress == 0xf2 ) )
                  scPrevious = 0;
              else {
                  scPrevious = scInProgress;
              rguiScanCode[cEvents] = scInProgress;
              rgfKeyUp[cEvents] = fKeyUp;
          scInProgress = 0;
          fKeyUp = FALSE;
      return cEvents;
  2. In the header file, replace the declaration of KeybdPdd_GetEventEx with a declaration for KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2.

    The following code example shows a sample declaration for KeybdPdd_GetEventEx2.

        UINT    uiPddId,
        UINT32  rguiScanCode[16],
        BOOL    rgfKeyDown[16]
  3. For some hardware platforms, in the header file, you might need to add a declaration for the KeybdPdd_PowerHandler function, which is type defined as PFN_KEYBD_PDD_POWER_HANDLER.

    The following code example shows a declaration for this function.

        BOOL bOff

See Also

Layout Manager

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