
Config.DriverKey Section of a TxtSetup.oem File

A Config.DriverKey section specifies values to be set in the registry for particular component options. Windows automatically creates the required values in the Services\DriverKey key. Use this section to specify additional keys to be created under Services\DriverKey and values under Services\DriverKey and Services\DriverKey\subkey_name.

value = subkey_name,value_name,value_type,value

Specifies the name of a key under the Services\DriverKey tree where Windows places the specified value. Windows creates the key if it does not exist.

If subkey_name is the empty string (""), the value is placed under the Services\DriverKey.

The subkey_name can specify more than one level of subkey, such as "subkey1\subkey2\subkey3".

Specifies the name of the value to be set.

Specifies the type of the registry entry. The value_type can be one of the following:

One value is allowed; it must be a string containing up to eight hexadecimal digits.

For example:

value = parameters,NumberOfButtons,REG_DWORD,2

One value is allowed; it is interpreted as the null-terminated string to be stored.

For example:

value = parameters,Description,REG_SZ,"This is a text string"

One value is allowed; it is a string of hex digits, each pair of which is interpreted as a byte value.

For example (stores the byte stream 00,34,ec,4d,04,5a):

value = parameters,Data,REG_BINARY,0034eC4D045a

Multiple value arguments are allowed; each is interpreted as a component of the MULTI_SZ string.

For example:

value = parameters,Strings,REG_MULTI_SZ,String1,"String 2",string3

Specifies the value; its format depends on value_type.

The following example shows a Config.DriverKey section:

; ...
value = parameters\PnpInterface,5,REG_DWORD,1
; ...