
ISurfaceManager interface

The surface manager controls Direct3D and Direct3D surfaces. This interface can be queried for IBufferManager.


The ISurfaceManager interface inherits from IBufferManager. ISurfaceManager also has these types of members:


The ISurfaceManager interface has these methods.

Method Description
AllocSurface Allocates a new ISurface interface for the application to use. However, the recommended way to allocate a surface is described in the IMediaTransform::Process method documentation.
AllocSurfaceSize Allocates a new ISurface of a specific size. However, the recommended way to allocate a surface is described in the IMediaTransform::Process documentation.
get_Device Retrieves the device that owns the surface.
get_IdealVideoSize Retrieves the ideal video size for the surface.
get_Monitor Retrieves a handle to the display monitor.

See also

Transform Interfaces