
CimMethodParametersCollection.Item Property (String)


Provides access to the parameter objects in the collection.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure
Assembly:  Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure (in Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll)


public override CimMethodParameter this[
    string parameterName
] { get; }
property CimMethodParameter^ default[
    String^ parameterName
] {
    virtual CimMethodParameter^ get(String^ parameterName) override;
override Item : 
        parameterName:string -> CimMethodParameter with get
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Item (
    parameterName As String
) As CimMethodParameter


  • parameterName
    Type: System.String

    The name of the parameter to be accessed in the collection.

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimMethodParameter

Returns CimMethodParameter.

See Also

CimMethodParametersCollection Class
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure Namespace

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