
WriteProgressCallback Delegate


Represents a callback for a write progress CIM operation.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options
Assembly:  Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure (in Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.dll)


public delegate void WriteProgressCallback(
    string activity,
    string currentOperation,
    string statusDescription,
    uint percentageCompleted,
    uint secondsRemaining
public delegate void WriteProgressCallback(
    String^ activity,
    String^ currentOperation,
    String^ statusDescription,
    unsigned int percentageCompleted,
    unsigned int secondsRemaining
type WriteProgressCallback = 
    delegate of 
        activity:string *
        currentOperation:string *
        statusDescription:string *
        percentageCompleted:uint32 *
        secondsRemaining:uint32 -> unit
Public Delegate Sub WriteProgressCallback (
    activity As String,
    currentOperation As String,
    statusDescription As String,
    percentageCompleted As UInteger,
    secondsRemaining As UInteger


  • activity
    Type: System.String

    A description of the current activity of the current CIM operation.

  • currentOperation
    Type: System.String

    A description of the current CIM operation.

  • statusDescription
    Type: System.String

    A description of the current status of the operation.

  • percentageCompleted
    Type: System.UInt32

    An integer that specifies the percentage of completeness of the operation.

  • secondsRemaining
    Type: System.UInt32

    An integer that specifies the number of seconds remaining to complete the operation.

See Also

Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options Namespace

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