Stores information about the volumes on a Physical Disk resource. The following table summarizes the attributes of the DiskVolumeInfo property.
Attribute | Value |
Data type | BYTE |
Access | Read/write |
Status | Optional |
Maximum | None (but see Maximum Property Size.) |
Default | See Remarks |
The constant for this property is CLUSREG_NAME_PHYSDISK_DISKVOLUMEINFO.
DiskVolumeInfo data consists of a byte array organized as follows:
- A 4-byte integer containing the number of partitions.
- 4 bytes of padding (64-bit Windows only).
- One or more 40-byte entries describing the volume information.
Position | Data |
First 8 bytes |
Starting Offset |
Next 8 bytes |
Partition Length |
Next 4 bytes |
Partition Number |
Next 4 bytes |
Drive (0x1 is A:, 0x2 is B:, 0x4 is C:, and so on.) |
Next 16 bytes |
Volume GUID |
For example, on a 64-bit Windows computer, the following DiskVolumeInfo data . . .
04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 40 06 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 20 00 00 00
90 20 64 65 C8 8B 26 44 21 A3 D2 89 E4 3D 32 8F
00 02 40 06 00 00 00 00 00 FE 3F 06 00 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 17 E0 53 CD 8C 36 20 4C
B4 AA 91 D0 EB E1 25 53 00 00 80 0C 00 00 00 00
00 00 40 06 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 08 00 00
D7 69 5F A4 65 91 B5 48 06 AE 61 64 3D 6B B2 4D
00 40 C0 12 00 00 00 00 00 C0 3F 06 00 00 00 00
04 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 63 D4 12 F4 BD 29 42 97
C8 A2 54 DA 35 13 CD D1
. . . would be interpreted as follows.
Starting Offset Partition Length Part.# Drive Letter Volume GUID
----------------- ----------------- -------- ------------- ------------------------------------
00000000.00000200 00000000.06400000 00000001 00000020 (F:) 65642090-8BC8-4426-A321-8F323DE489D2
00000000.06400200 00000000.063FFE00 00000002 00000400 (K:) CD53E017-368C-4C20-AAB4-5325E1EBD091
00000000.0C800000 00000000.06400000 00000003 00000800 (L:) A45F69D7-9165-48B5-AE06-4DB26B3D6461
00000000.12C04000 00000000.063FC000 00000004 00000100 (I:) F412D463-29BD-4297-A2C8-D1CD1335DA54
Minimum supported client |
None supported |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2008 Enterprise |