
IUpdateServerConfiguration.SupportedUpdateLanguages Property


Applies To: Windows Server Update Services

Gets the languages that WSUS supports.

Namespace:   Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll)


StringCollection SupportedUpdateLanguages { get; }
property StringCollection^ SupportedUpdateLanguages {
    StringCollection^ get();
abstract SupportedUpdateLanguages : StringCollection with get
ReadOnly Property SupportedUpdateLanguages As StringCollection

Property Value

Type: System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

Collection of language codes that WSUS supports.


The language codes follow the format specified in RFC1766. For example, "en" for English or "pt-br" for Portuguese (Brazil). WSUS supports a subset of the language codes that are specified in ISO 639 and culture codes that are specified in ISO 3166.

You can use this collection to ensure that the PreferredCulture value you specify is valid or to provide a list of localized languages that WSUS supports.

Note that WSUS stores the language codes in lowercase, so if you use the StringCollection.Contains method to determine whether the collection contains a specific language code, you must specify the language code in lowercase (the Contains method performs a case-sensitive comparison).

The collection contains the "ja-nec" language code. This code is for internal use. Do not try to use it to create a CultureInfo object (the call will fail).

See Also

IUpdateServerConfiguration Interface
Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace

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