
WsusCollection.OnSet Method (Int32, Object, Object)


Applies To: Windows Server Update Services

Provices overridden validation functionality which checks that we do not insert duplicates into our collection.

Namespace:   Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll)


protected override void OnSet(
    int index,
    object oldValue,
    object newValue
virtual void OnSet(
    int index,
    Object^ oldValue,
    Object^ newValue
) override
override OnSet : 
        index:int *
        oldValue:Object *
        newValue:Object -> unit
Protected Overrides Sub OnSet (
    index As Integer,
    oldValue As Object,
    newValue As Object


  • index
    Type: System.Int32

    The index at which the object will be set.

  • newValue
    Type: System.Object

    The new value to be placed at index.

See Also

WsusCollection Class
Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace

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