
IUpdateServerConfiguration.Save Method ()


Applies To: Windows Server Update Services

Saves WSUS configuration information to the database.

Namespace:   Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration (in Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.dll)


void Save()
void Save()
abstract Save : unit -> unit
Sub Save





Thrown for any of the following reasons:


Thrown for any of the following reasons:


When you call GetConfiguration, you will receive a copy of the configuration information that is currently saved in the WSUS database. Changes that you make to the configuration information are made only to your local copy. To make your changes visible to other application and to the WSUS server, call Save.WSUS contains configuration information from the last application to save changes.

Changes to some configuration settings can cause WSUS to start a background process, which can prevent other processes from saving configuration settings (the process can run for up to three minutes). If you call Save while the background process is running, WSUS throws the InvalidOperationException exception. You can implement retry logic to handle this exception or call GetUpdateServerConfigurationState before calling Save to determine if you can save configuration settings.

This operation requires WSUS Administrator privileges.

See Also

Save Overload
IUpdateServerConfiguration Interface
Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace

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