ISpTokenUI (SAPI 5.3)
Microsoft Speech API 5.3
Provides developers with a means to programmatically manage user-interface associated with an ISpObjectToken.
When To Implement
The ISpTokenUI interface should be implemented so that the object can allow other applications to display the UI. For example, an SR engine (see ISpRecognizer) has a UI for Training (see SPDUI_UserTraining), and it would be helpful for an application to be able to display the Training UI as appropriate.
The following code snippet illustrates the use of ISpTokenUI using QueryInterface.
// Declare local identifiers:
CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> cpObjectToken;
CComPtr<ISpTokenUI> cpTokenUI;
// Find the preferred multimedia input object token.
hr = SpFindBestToken(SPCAT_AUDIOIN, L"Technology=MMSys", NULL, &cpObjectToken;);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Get the multimedia object token's UI.
hr = cpObjectToken->QueryInterface(&cpTokenUI;);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Do stuff here.
The following code snippet illustrates the use of ISpTokenUI using CoCreateInstance. The user must know the exact CLSID of the intended UI object.
// Declare local identifiers:
CComPtr<ISpTokenUI> cpTokenUI;
GUID rguidParam;
// Create the Token UI for the UI object (rguidParam must
// be assigned the exact CLSID of the intended UI object).
hr = cpTokenUI.CoCreateInstance(rguidParam);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Do something here.
Methods in Vtable Order
ISpTokenUI Methods |
IsUISupported |
DisplayUI |
Development Helpers
Helper Functions |
SpCreateBestObject |
SpFindBestToken |
SpCreateObjectFromToken |
SpCreateDefaultObjectFromCategoryId |
SpGetTokenFromId |
SpGetDefaultTokenFromCategoryId |