
XML HTTP Extended Request interfaces

XML HTTP Extended Request supports the following interfaces, which are grouped according to the inheritance hierarchy.

In this section

Topic Description
Provides the methods and properties needed to configure and send HTTP requests and use callbacks to receive notifications during HTTP response processing.
This interface is supported on Windows Phone 8.1.

Defines callbacks that notify an application with an outstanding [IXMLHTTPRequest2](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/msxml6/nn-msxml6-ixmlhttprequest2) request of events that affect HTTP request and response processing.
This interface is supported on Windows Phone 8.1.

Provides the methods and properties needed to configure and send HTTP requests and use callbacks to receive notifications during HTTP response processing. Derives from the [IXMLHTTPRequest2](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/msxml6/nn-msxml6-ixmlhttprequest2) interface.
This interface is supported on Windows Phone 8.1.

Defines callbacks that notify an application with an outstanding [IXMLHTTPRequest3](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/msxml6/nn-msxml6-ixmlhttprequest3) request of events that affect HTTP request and response processing. Derives from the [IXMLHTTPRequest2Callback](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/msxml6/nn-msxml6-ixmlhttprequest2callback) interface.
This interface is supported on Windows Phone 8.1.