
OpenConformantInstances method of the MSFTSM_RegisteredSubProfile class

Opens a session to enumerate class instances of this registered profile instance, and optionally to retrieve a set of the requested instances.

This method is inherited from the CIM_RegisteredSubProfile class.


uint32 OpenConformantInstances(
  [in]  string  ResultClass,
  [in]  string  IncludedPropertyList[],
  [in]  uint32  OperationTimeout,
  [in]  boolean ContinueOnError,
  [in]  uint32  MaxObjectCount,
  [out] string  EnumerationContext,
  [out] boolean EndOfSequence,
  [out] uint16  InstanceType[],
  [out] string  InstanceWithPathList[]


ResultClass [in]

If not NULL, specifies a filter that is based on the class name. Only those central or scoping instances that are a kind of the specified class are returned.

IncludedPropertyList [in]

If not NULL, specifies a filter that is based on an unordered set of property names. Only the specified properties are returned. An empty list specifies to return no properties. The instance path is always returned.

OperationTimeout [in]

Specifies the minimum time, in seconds, the CIM server keeps the enumeration session open if the session is not explicitly closed by the OpenConformantInstances method or PullConformantInstances method. If the operation timeout is exceeded, the enumeration session is closed, and any allocated session resources are released. A value of zero specifies no operation timeout. The meaning of a value of NULL is implementation-dependent.

The set of allowable values is implementation-specific. The implementation can require a timeout and limit the length of the timeout. If the specified value is not allowed, the method returns a failure code of CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT.

ContinueOnError [in]

Set to True to request continuation on error. Continuation on error is the ability to resume an enumeration session successfully after the OpenConformantInstances or PullConformantInstances method returns an error.

If set to True, and the implementation supports continuation on error, the enumeration session remains open after an error.


For more information about continuation on error, see the DSP0223 standard on the DMTF website at http://dmtf.org/standards/wbem.

If set to True, and the implementation does not support continuation on error, this method returns a failure code of CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, and the session is closed.

MaxObjectCount [in]

Specifies the maximum number of elements to be returned. If set to zero, no elements are retrieved.

EnumerationContext [out]

On return, indicates the enumeration session context. It is set to NULL, if the session is closed. If not set to NULL, this value is used to identify the session in calls to the PullConformantInstances and CloseConformantInstances methods.

EndOfSequence [out]

On return, indicates whether the enumeration session is exhausted.

If set to True, no more elements are available, and the session is closed. If set to false, additional elements might be available and the session remains open.

InstanceType [out]

On return, indicates the type of instance in the corresponding entry in the InstanceWithPathList array.

The possible values are.

Central Instance (2)

Scoping Instance (3)

Central and Scoping Instance (4)

DMTF Reserved

5 = *value*

InstanceWithPathList [out]

On return, contains an unordered set of the requested instances and their addresses. This array is correlated to the InstanceType array.

Returning an array with no entries does not indicate that the enumeration session has been exhausted. Only the EndOfSequence output parameter indicates whether the enumeration session has been exhausted.

Return value

Returns zero on success; otherwise returns an error.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
