
GetElementsBasedOnUsage method of the MSISCSITARGET_StorageConfigurationService class

Retrieves storage elements that match specified usage and availability criteria.

This method is inherited from the CIM_StorageConfigurationService class.


uint32 GetElementsBasedOnUsage(
  [in]  uint16                       ElementType,
  [in]  uint16                       Usage,
  [in]  uint16                       Criteria,
  [in]  CIM_StoragePool Ref          ThePool,
  [out] CIM_ManagedSystemElement Ref TheElements[]


ElementType [in]

Specifies the type of elements to retrieve.

The possible values are.

Unknown (0)

StorageVolume (2)

StorageExtent (3)

StoragePool (4)

Logical Disk (5)

DMTF Reserved

6 0x7FFF

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

Usage [in]

Specifies the usage value of the elements to retrieve. This parameter corresponds to the Usage property of the storage elements specified in the ElementType parameter. Different classes have different possible values for the Usage property, for example.

The possible values for the MSISCSITARGET_StoragePool.Usage property are.

Other (1)

Unrestricted (2)

Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server) (3)

Reserved as a Delta Replica Container (4)

Reserved for Migration Services (5)

Reserved for Local Replication Services (6)

Reserved for Remote Replication Services (7)

Reserved for Sparing (8)

DMTF Reserved

9 0x7FFF

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

The possible values for the MSISCSITARGET_StorageVolume.Usage property are.

Other (1)

Unrestricted (2)

Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server) (3)

Reserved by Replication Services (4)

Reserved for Migration Services (5)

Local Replica Source (6)

Remote Replica Source (7)

Local Replica Target (8)

Remote Replica Target (9)

Local Replica Source or Target (10)

Remote Replica Source or Target (11)

Delta Replica Target (12)

Element Component (13)

Reserved as Pool Contributor (14)

Composite Volume Member (15)

Composite LogicalDisk Member (16)

Reserved for Sparing (17)

DMTF Reserved

18 0x7FFF

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

Criteria [in]

Specifies which elements to retrieve based on their availability.

The possible values are.

Unknown (0)

All (2)

Available Only (3)

In Use Only (4)

DMTF Reserved

5 0x7FFF

Vendor Specific

32768 65535

ThePool [in]

Specifies limiting the search to the specified storage pool. If set to NULL, all available storage pools will be searched.

TheElements [out]

On return, contains references to the retrieved storage element instances.

Return value

This method returns one of the following values.

Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

DMTF Reserved (6 4095)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Method Reserved (4097 32767)

Vendor Specific (32768 65535)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
