
RegisterPageWithPage function

The RegisterPageWithPage function registers external pages with existing pages in the Get Connected Wizard.


HRESULT WINAPI RegisterPageWithPage(
           const GUID   *pguidParentPage,
           const GUID   *pguidChildPage,
  _In_opt_ const LPWSTR pszChildModuleFileName,
  _In_opt_ const LPWSTR pszFriendlyName,
  _In_     const DWORD  dwBehaviorFlags,
  _In_     const DWORD  dwUserFlags,
  _In_opt_       LPWSTR pszCommandLine



Pointer to a GUID that uniquely identifies the parent page within the wizard.


Pointer to a GUID that uniquely identifies the child page to register with the parent page.

pszChildModuleFileName [in, optional]

A Unicode string that contains the installation filename and path of the module for the child page.

This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL.

pszFriendlyName [in, optional]

Unicode string that contains the display name of the child page to register.

This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL.

dwBehaviorFlags [in]

A set of user-defined behavior flags.

This parameter is optional and can be set to 0.

dwUserFlags [in]

A set of user-defined registration flags.

This parameter is optional and can be set to 0.

pszCommandLine [in, optional]

User command line parameters to use when invoking the child module, if any.

This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If the page is already registered, the return value is S_FALSE.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the standard error codes.

Return code Description
The component to register is currently in use.


A page is a user interface form within the Wizard, usually corresponding to a specific step or steps. For example, one page might be the form the describes an IP address and prompts the user to provide IP address data. Child pages are pages that are accessible from a parent page; for example, clicking a "More Information" button or link on a page will take you a child page that contains the requested information.

An import library containing the RegisterPageWithPage function is not included in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). Applications must use the GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress functions to retrieve the function pointer from the corresponding DLL and call this function.


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]