
Fax Device Node

The fax device node represents a single fax device.

When to Extend This Node

Extend this node to add device-specific behavior or properties to individual fax devices you expose.


Use the FaxExtSetData function to set configuration data for a specific device and GUID.

Node-Type GUID


IDataObject Content

Use the following custom clipboard formats to retrieve information related to the fax device node.

Clipboard format Description
CF_MSFAXSRV_DEVICE_ID Data format: A DWORD value that contains the device ID.
Remarks: This value is the device ID generated by the fax service or by a virtual fax service provider (FSP). This is not the device ID generated by a Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) telephony service provider (TSP). You can use this device ID when you call the Fax Extension Configuration API callback functions if you specify the value DEV_ID_SRC_FAX in the DevIdSrc parameter.
CF_MSFAXSRV_FSP_GUID Data format: A null-terminated Unicode character string that contains a string representation of the GUID that identifies the FSP with which the device is associated. The string has the same format as the string returned by the Microsoft Win32 function StringFromGUID2. An example of the string is {c200e360-38c5-11ce-ae62-08002b2b79ef}.
Remarks: The maximum length of the GUID string, including the terminating null character, is FAXSRV_MAX_GUID_LEN characters. FSPs registered using the Windows 2000 Fax Service Client API will get the Fax Service Provider name instead of the GUID.
CF_MSFAXSRV_SERVER_NAME Data format: A null-terminated Unicode character string that specifies the name of the fax server with which the device is associated. The server name is not preceded by "\\".
Remarks: The maximum length of the server name string, including the terminating null character, is FAXSRV_MAX_SERVER_NAME characters.