
Error Codes

PlayReady error codes and descriptions.

Code Description Value
MSPR_S_NETWORK_ACTIVITY_SUCCEEDED The network operation completed successfully. 0x0004B801
MSPR_S_HTTP_INDIVIDUALIZION_ALREADY_OCCURRED Individualization was completed while this application was attempting to individualize. This application must abandon its attempt to individualize. 0x0004B802
MSPR_S_IN_MEMORY_LICENSE_DISCARDED The license response included an in-memory license, but the application did not request an enumerator from the process license response method. The license was therefore discarded. 0x0004B803
MSPR_E_INDIVBOX_HAS_BAD_SIGNATURE The Individualized binary's signature has failed verification. Confirm that the file is signed properly. If the file is test signed, verify that the calling code trusts test signed binaries. 0x8004B801
MSPR_E_PRO_HEADER_KID_NOT_SET The PlayReady object header does not have a KID set. 0x8004B804
MSPR_E_PRO_HEADER_BYTES_NOT_SET The PlayReady object header does not have bytes set. 0x8004B805
MSPR_E_PRO_HEADER_ALREADY_COMMITTED The PlayReady object header is already committed to either a KID or a content header. 0x8004B806
MSPR_E_PRO_HEADER_NOT_YET_COMMITTED The PlayReady object header has not had either a KID or a content header set. 0x8004B807
MSPR_E_UNPROTECTED_PROTECTED_OBJECT_MISMATCH The application attempted to pass a non-stublib-protected object to a method on a stublib-protected object or vice-versa. 0x8004B808
MSPR_E_LEAF_LICENSE_NOT_DOMAINBOUND The application requested the domain ID of a leaf license. Leaf licenses are never domain bound, which results in this failure. 0x8004B809
MSPR_E_FILTER_HEADER_NOT_SET The License filter does not have a Header object. 0x8004B80A
MSPR_E_ALREADY_STUBLIB_PROTECTED The object is already protected with a stublib. 0x8004B80B
MSPR_E_UNUSABLE_LICENSES_CAN_NOT_BE_EVALUATED It is invalid to create a license filter with both an Action and with the flag MSPR_LICENSE_FILTER_FLAG_RETURN_UNUSABLE_LICENSES because unusable licenses can not be evaluated. 0x8004B80C
MSPR_E_INVALID_PLAYREADY_FORMAT_FILE The file is not a valid PlayReady format file. 0x8004B80E
MSPR_E_DEVICE_NOT_PLAYREADY The device connected does not support PlayReady. 0x8004B80F
MSPR_E_INVALID_KEY_FILE The current key file is invalid. 0x8004B811
MSPR_E_UNEXPECTED_CERTIFICATE_TYPE The certificate used in an operation was of the wrong type. 0x8004B812
MSPR_E_NO_MATCHING_KEY No key was found in the key history for decrypting this request. 0x8004B814
MSPR_E_INDIV_INDIVIDUALIZING The client is currently individualizing. Concurrent individualization requests are not allowed. 0x8004B817
MSPR_E_INDIV_CANCELLED Individualization was cancelled by the calling application. 0x8004B818
MSPR_E_INDIV_EXPECTED_KEY_FILE Individualization expected a key file to exist but was not able to load it from disk. 0x8004B819
MSPR_E_INDIV_UNEXPECTED_KEY_FILE Individualization did not expect a key file to exist but one was found on disk. 0x8004B81A
MSPR_E_INDIV_BAD_REQUEST The individualization server responded with a "bad request" message. The client request was malformed. 0x8004B81B
MSPR_E_INDIV_SERVER_ERROR The individualization server responded with an "internal server error" message. A more specific error code is not available. 0x8004B81C
MSPR_E_INDIV_CLIENT_CURRENT The individualization server responded that the client's security version matches that of the current available IBX. 0x8004B81D
MSPR_E_INVALID_SECURITY_VERSION The security version stored in an XML certificate could not be parsed correctly. 0x8004B81E
MSPR_E_NETWORK_ACTIVITY_FAILED The network operation was not completed successfully due to unknown reasons. Contact your content provider for further assistance. 0x8004B820
MSPR_E_CERTIFICATE_SECURITY_LEVEL_TOO_LOW The given certificate has a security level lower than the level required by the license. 0x8004B821
MSPR_E_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION The client application must individualize to the latest version. 0x8004B822
MSPR_E_HARDWAREID_MISMATCH The requested action cannot be performed because a hardware configuration change has been detected by the Microsoft PlayReady components on your computer. 0x8004B823
MSPR_E_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHED A problem has occurred in the Microsoft PlayReady component. Contact Microsoft product support. 0x8004B824
MSPR_E_STUBLIB_REQUIRED A Microsoft issued stub library is required to access the requested functionality. 0x8004B825
MSPR_E_DEBUGGING_NOT_ALLOWED Running this process under a debugger while using protected content is not allowed. 0x8004B82A
MSPR_E_NO_RIGHTS The requested operation cannot be performed on this file. 0x8004B82B
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY The given property is not supported. 0x8004B82C
MSPR_E_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. 0x8004B82D
MSPR_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_DATA_STORE A problem has occurred in opening the PlayReady data storage file. Contact Microsoft product support. 0x8004B82E
MSPR_E_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED The client certificate has been revoked. 0x8004B82F
MSPR_E_INVALID_DATA Invalid or corrupt data was encountered. 0x8004B830
MSPR_E_INDIV_SERVER_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unrecognized error response was returned from the individualization server. 0x8004B831
MSPR_E_INSUFFICIENT_DATA Insufficient data was found. 0x8004B832
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION The requested action is not supported. 0x8004B833
MSPR_E_LIC_NEEDS_DEVICE_CLOCK_SET The file could not be transferred because the device clock is not set. 0x8004B834
MSPR_E_LICENSE_EXPIRED The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance. 0x8004B835
MSPR_E_INVALID_APPLICATION A problem has occurred in the PlayReady component. 0x8004B836
MSPR_E_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_PETITION The client application has been forcefully terminated during a PlayReady petition. 0x8004B837
MSPR_E_PROTOCOL_FORCEFUL_TERMINATION_ON_CHALLENGE The client application has been forcefully terminated during a PlayReady challenge. 0x8004B838
MSPR_E_REDIRECT The client has been redirected to another server. 0x8004B839
MSPR_E_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance of the server. 0x8004B83A
MSPR_E_ERROR_FROM_PROXY The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server. 0x8004B83B
MSPR_E_PROXY_TIMEOUT The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server. 0x8004B83C
MSPR_E_SERVER_ACCESSDENIED The http server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect. 0x8004B83D
MSPR_E_PROXY_ACCESSDENIED The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect. 0x8004B83E
MSPR_E_OFFLINE_MODE The requested URL is not available in offline mode. 0x8004B83F
MSPR_E_CURL_INVALIDHOSTNAME The URL contains a host name that is not valid. 0x8004B840
MSPR_E_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. 0x8004B841
MSPR_E_BAD_SERVER_REQUEST The request could not be understood by the server. 0x8004B842
MSPR_E_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_PROXIMITY The proximity detection procedure could not confirm that the receiver is near the transmitter in the network. 0x8004B844
MSPR_E_INVALID_PROXIMITY_RESPONSE The response to the proximity detection challenge is invalid. 0x8004B845
MSPR_E_INVALID_SESSION The requested session is invalid. 0x8004B846
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION The protocol version is unsupported. 0x8004B847
MSPR_E_CERTIFICATE_NOT_SAMPLE_PROTECTION The given certificate is not a sample protection certificate. 0x8004B848
MSPR_E_UNABLE_TO_SET_SECURE_CLOCK A problem has occurred in setting the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support. 0x8004B84A
MSPR_E_BAD_REQUEST The message format is invalid. 0x8004B84C
MSPR_E_LICENSE_NOTENABLED The license for this file is not valid yet but will be at a future date. 0x8004B84D
MSPR_E_LICENSE_APPSECLOW The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player. 0x8004B84E
MSPR_E_RESTRICTED_SOURCE The license for this file requires your application to have special licensing terms with Microsoft. Contact your content provider for support. 0x8004B84F
MSPR_E_HWID_REGISTRY_OVERRIDE_NOT_PRESENT There is no registry override available for the HWID. 0x8004B850
MSPR_E_POLICY_CONVERSION_FAILURE The current license policy could not be converted. 0x8004B853
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_OPL The Output Protection Level value specified in the license is not supported. 0x8004B854
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_DATA The configuration data associate with a protection type is not supported. 0x8004B855
MSPR_E_KEY_FILE_NOTFOUND Overriding the individualized binary file requires a key file to exist, but one was not found. 0x8004B856
MSPR_E_DEVICE_ERROR_INVALID The device returned a PROPVARIANT of VT_ERROR but the scode value was not recognized as a failure HRESULT. 0x8004B858
MSPR_E_DEVICE_EMPTY_INVALID The device returned a PROPVARIANT of VT_EMPTY which was not expected. 0x8004B859
MSPR_E_DEVICE_RETURN_TYPE_INVALID The device returned a PROPVARIANT of an unexpected type which was neither VT_ERROR nor VT_EMPTY. 0x8004B85A
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_ERROR_INVALID The device returned MTP_RESPONSECODE_J_FAIL but the first MTP out parameter was not recognized as an error code. 0x8004B85B
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_UNRECOGNIZED_RESPONSE_CODE The device returned a response code other than MTP_RESPONSECODE_OK and MTP_RESPONSECODE_J_FAIL and that response code could not be converted to an error code. 0x8004B85C
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_RESPONSE_NO_OUT_PARAMS The device returned response code MTP_RESPONSECODE_OK or MTP_RESPONSECODE_J_FAIL but did not return at least one out parameter for a success or error code. 0x8004B85D
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_RESPONSE_INCOMPLETE The device returned MTP_RESPONSECODE_OK but did not return enough out params for the MTP extension being used. 0x8004B85E
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_VENDOR_EXTENSION_MALFORMED The device returned the vendor extension in an unrecognized format. 0x8004B85F
MSPR_E_DEVICE_MTP_PROPERTY_EMPTY The device returned a sized MTP device property with a valid size but with no data. 0x8004B860
MSPR_E_DEVICEAPP_ALREADY_INITIALIZED The interface has already been initialized with a device pointer. 0x8004B861
MSPR_E_DEVICEAPP_NOT_INITIALIZED The interface has not been initialized with a device pointer. 0x8004B862
MSPR_E_DEVICE_CERTIFICATE_NOT_SET The property requested requires the device certificate to be set. 0x8004B863
MSPR_E_DIRECTORY_UNEXPECTED A directory was encountered instead of an expected file. 0x8004B864
MSPR_E_NO_STUBLIB_INTERFACE The specified interface does not utilize a stublib. 0x8004B865
MSPR_E_SECURE_FILE_COPY_ERROR There was an error creating the a secured copy of a file. 0x8004B866
MSPR_E_ROOT_LICENSE_DECRYPTOR_UNSUPPORTED The application attempted to create a decryptor for a root license. This is not a supported scenario because root licenses do not encrypt content. 0x8004B867
MSPR_E_SDK_UPDATE_REQUIRED The client SDK (msprsdk.dll) is out of date and must be updated. 0x8004B868
MSPR_E_CHKDR_DEBUG_SETUP_ERROR The ChkDR() debug function shim encountered errors while setting up its error debug data. 0x8004B869
MSPR_E_CHKDR_DEBUG_REGISTRY_ERROR The ChkDR() debug function shim encountered errors while reading the registry. 0x8004B86A
MSPR_E_LICENSE_REQUIRES_NEWER_DEVICE_FIRMWARE A license would have been able to be transferred to the device, but the device is a legacy PlayReady device and does not support the necessary functionality to use the available license. Contact your device manufacturer for assistance. 0x8004B86B
MSPR_E_INDIVBOX_NOT_LOADED The IBX referenced by the runtime is no longer loaded in memory. 0x8004B86C
MSPR_E_INDIVBOX_MODULE_OBJECT_MISMATCH When calling a function on an SDK object created by a given IBX, an object passed in as a parameter was detected as not having been created by the same IBX. 0x8004B86D
MSPR_E_HTTP_RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE The HTTP response received is too large. 0x8004B86E
MSPR_E_CANNOT_PERSIST_INVALID The license is marked CANNOT_PERSIST but it is not a temporary license. 0x8004B86F
MSPR_E_FILTER_UNPROTECTED The license filter used to enumerate the license was unprotected. 0x8004B870
MSPR_E_HTTP_MESSAGE_MISMATCH The http messages given have inconsistent types, e.g. indiv petition challenge with indiv response. 0x8004B871
MSPR_E_CONTENT_KEY_NOT_SET The content key was not set in the content key object. 0x8004B872
MSPR_E_CONTENT_KEY_SEED_NOT_SET The Seed property was not set in the content key object because Seed was not used to generate the content key. 0x8004B873
MSPR_E_SERVER_AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED An attempt to use a license with a right that requires Microsoft service authorization was made, without first completing the authorization. 0x8004B874
MSPR_E_PRO_HEADER_UNRECOGNIZED_ENCRYPTION_TYPE The PlayReady object header has an unrecognized encryption type. 0x8004B875
MSPR_E_SECURE_FILE_RECOVERY_ERROR There was an error trying to recover from a secure file copy error. 0x8004B876
MSPR_E_CLOCK_ROLLBACK_POLICY_ENFORCED Policy related to clock rollback detection is being enforced. This could result in existing licenses not being usable. 0x8004B878
MSPR_E_MOVE_LIST_REFRESH_REQUIRED The client move list needs to be refreshed in order to use licenses with move enablers. 0x8004B87A
MSPR_E_UNABLE_TO_STORE_CANNOT_PERSIST_LICENSE A license with the CANNOT PERSIST flag can not be stored in permanant or temporary storage. 0x8004B87B
MSPR_E_LICENSE_AND_STORE_TYPE_MISMATCH Properties of the license do not match the requested store type. For example, this can be returned if a temporary license is placed in permanent storage. 0x8004B87C
MSPR_E_HWID_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND Object property required for the hardware ID calculation not found or is incorrect. 0x8004B87D
MSPR_E_HWID_HDD_UNKNOWN_TYPE Cannot collect HDD ID information because HDD type is unknown. 0x8004B87E
MSPR_E_HWID_HDD_INVALID_BSD_NAME Cannot collect HDD ID information because HDD BSD name appears to be invalid. 0x8004B87F
MSPR_E_HWID_HDD_NO_MATCHING_SERVICE Cannot collect HDD ID information because matching service object cannot be found for HDD BSD name. 0x8004B880
MSPR_E_HWID_HDD_ERROR_ACCESS_IOREGISTRY Cannot collect HDD ID information because of an error happened while accessing IO Registry. 0x8004B881
MSPR_E_HWID_INVALID_HWID_VERSION Cannot verify hardware ID because of incompatible version of existing data. Please clean DRM and try Individialization again. 0x8004B882
MSPR_E_PERSISTENT_ACLS_NOT_SUPPORTED Persistent ACLS are not supported on the target partition 0x8004B883
MSPR_E_LICENSE_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Cannot verify license acquisition's response because signature is invalid. 0x8004B884
MSPR_E_LICENSE_RESPONSE_RESPONSEID_INVALID Cannot verify license acquisition's response because response ID is invalid. 0x8004B885
MSPR_E_LICENSE_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_MISSING Cannot verify license acquisition's response because either response ID, license nonce or signature is missing. 0x8004B886
MSPR_E_MUST_UNDERSTAND_RESTRICTION_UNPROCESSED The license had a must understand restriction that was not processed. 0x8004B887
MSPR_E_NO_RESTRICTION No restriction corresponding to the restriction type or index specified was found. 0x8004B888
MSPR_E_DOMAIN_JOIN_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_INVALID Cannot verify domain join's response because signature is invalid. 0x8004B889
MSPR_E_DOMAIN_JOIN_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_MISSING Cannot verify domain join's response because either signature or certificate chain is missing. 0x8004B88A
MSPR_E_NOT_YET_COMMITTED The desired action cannot be performed because an associated object has not been committed yet. 0x8004B88B
MSPR_E_ALREADY_COMMITTED The desired action cannot be performed on a committed object 0x8004B88C
MSPR_E_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET The desired action cannot be performed because a required property has not yet been set. 0x8004B88D
MSPR_E_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE The value for a property of the object is invalid 0x8004B88E
MSPR_E_DERIVED_KEY_LICENSE The license or license chain doesn't have a valid AuxKey and/or UnlinkX XMR object to derive the key. 0x8004B88F
MSPR_E_MULTIPLE_STORE_CONTEXTS_FOR_TYPE Multiple store contexts exist for the specified type 0x8004B891
MSPR_E_LICENSE_STORE_SET_FOR_CHAIN_DEPTH The license stores are set for chain depths (not all depths) 0x8004B892
MSPR_E_SCALABLE_LICENSE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_WMDRMND Scalable license is not allowed for ND-Streaming 0x8004B893
MSPR_E_MODULE_INIT_FAILURE PlayReady module initialization failed. 0x8004B894
MSPR_E_CONTENT_ENABLING_ACTION_REQUIRED A new content enabling action is required before the protected content can be used. 0x8004B895
MSPR_E_NO_DECRYPTOR_AVAILABLE Failure occurred when attempting to find a correct PlayReady decryptor object - no decryptor was found. 0x8004B896
MSPR_E_MAX_CE_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED Too many repeat content enabling operations attempted. PlayReady license server may be improperly configured. 0x8004B897
MSPR_E_DOMAIN_JOIN_REQUIRED The desired action requires a domain join operation. 0x8004B898
MSPR_E_NO_LICENSE_DERIVATION_PATH The root license does not contain a derivation path for the desired action. 0x8004B899
MSPR_E_NO_ROOT_LICENSE_RIGHTS No root license available for the desired action. 0x8004B89A
MSPR_E_REDIRECT_FAILURE DRM challege was redirected by server too many times. 0x8004B89B
MSPR_E_NO_METERING_DATA_AVAILABLE A metering challenge was requested but there is no data associated with the given MID to report. 0x8004B89C
MSPR_E_PREC_SERVER_RETURNED_ERROR Provisioning server returned an error. 0x8004B89D
MSPR_E_PREC_INVALID_RESPONSE_MESSAGE Provisioning response message contains invalid data. 0x8004B89E
MSPR_E_PREC_NO_REQUEST_CREATED Using a PlayReady ephemeral certificate (PREC) response was tried, but no request was created. 0x8004B89F
MSPR_E_PREC_RESPONSE_EXPIRED The PREC response received has already expired. 0x8004B8A0
MSPR_E_PREC_CERT_EXPIRED The PlayReady ephemeral certificate is expired. 0x8004B8A1
MSPR_E_PREC_NONCE_MISMATCH A bad PREC response was presented. 0x8004B8A2
MSPR_E_PREC_BAD_RESPONSE_VERSION A PREC response with an unexpected version was presented. 0x8004B8A3
MSPR_E_PREC_BAD_RESPONSE The PREC response was malformed. 0x8004B8A4
MSPR_E_PREC_CRYPTO_ERROR An unexpected cryptographic failure occurred. 0x8004B8A5
MSPR_E_PREC_PROVISIONING_REQUIRED Provisioning has not been done on the machine. 0x8004B8A6
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_KEYSYSTEM The key system identifier is not supported by PlayReady. 0x8004B8A7
MSPR_E_UNSUPPORTED_CDMDATA_TYPE The CDMData type is not supported by PlayReady. The CDMData type should be LicenseAcquisition. 0x8004B8A8
MSPR_E_INVALID_CDMDATA_KEYID CDMData contains a key identifier that has already been set by initData. 0x8004B8A9
MSPR_E_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED Domain is not supported. 0x8004B8AA
MSPR_E_PREC_CERT_NOT_AVAILABLE PREC is not available. 0x8004B8AB
MSPR_E_INVALID_PROACTIVE_LICENSE_ACQUISITION Proactive license acquisition is not allowed when the content decryption module is attached to a media source. 0x8004B8AC
MSPR_E_INVALID_CDMSESSION Only one reactive content decryption module session can be attached to a playback session at a time. 0x8004B8AD
MSPR_E_PRND_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED The PlayReady-ND transmitter doesn't support the requested protocol. 0x8004B8AE
MSPR_E_PRND_SOCKET_NOT_READY The total number of socket handles that are ready and contained in the fd_set structures is zero (that is, the time limit has expired). 0x8004B8AF
MSPR_E_PRND_START_NOT_ALLOWED The client must be stopped before calling StartAsync. 0x8004B8B0
MSPR_E_PRND_HOST_CERTIFICATE_REJECTED The PlayReady-ND remote host's certificate was rejected by the app. 0x8004B8B1
MSPR_E_FILTER_EMBEDDED_LICENSE_NOT_SET The license filter does not have a license object. 0x8004B8B2
MSPR_E_PRND_SESSION_NOT_READY The PlayReady-ND session is not ready yet. 0x8004B8B3