
Build Multi-Language Client Restore Media

Applies To: Windows Server 2016 Essentials, Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials, Windows Server 2012 Essentials


You must first create a multilingual Windows image as described in the Walkthrough: Multilingual Windows Image Creation before you add the Windows Server Essentials language pack into install.wim.

When building the multi-language server installation DVD, the language packs will be installed for Server install.wim. The localized resources for restore wizard will be installed as part of language pack.

To build a multi-language client restore media

  1. Mount install.wim at c:\mount, we call c:\mount\Program Files\Windows Server\bin\ClientRestore folder as root of client restore media: [RestoreMediaRoot] below:

    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mount
  2. Mount the client restore WIM file at [RestoreMediaRoot]\Sources\Boot.wim (Same steps need to be performed for boot_x86.wim too). The command line is:

    dism /mount-wim /wimfile:boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\mountRestore
  3. Add WinPE-Setup.cab package to the restore media, by running:

    dism /image:c:\mountRestore /add-package /packagepath:WinPE-Setup.cab
  4. Use notepad to edit c:\mountRestore\windows\system32\winpeshl.ini, fill with following content:

    AppPath = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\sources\SelectLanguage.exe
  5. Add language packs to the restore media. Adding language packs can be done by running following command:

    dism /image:c:\mountRestore /add-package /packagepath:[language pack path]

    Following language packs need to be added:

    1. WinPE language pack (lp.cab)

    2. WinPE-Setup language pack (WinPE-Setup_[lang].cab, for example, WinPE-Setup_en-us.cab)

    3. For Asian fonts, including zh-cn, zh-tw, zh-hk, ko-kr, ja-jp, additional font pack need to be installed (winpe-fontsupport-[lang].cab, for example, winpe-fontsupport-zh-cn.cab)

  6. Generate new Lang.ini file, by running:

    dism /image:c:\mountRestore /Gen-LangINI /distribution:mount
  7. Commit and unmount the image, by running:

    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mountRestore /commit
  8. Repeat step 2 to Step 7 for [RestoreMediaroot]\Sources\Boot_x86.wim.

  9. Commit and unmount the image, by running:

    dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit

See Also

Creating and Customizing the Image Additional Customizations Preparing the Image for Deployment Testing the Customer Experience