
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications Namespace


The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications namespace contains classes that enable an add-in to communicate across AppDomain and process boundaries.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass BinaryItem

Provides access to name and bytes of an assembly or other artifacts produced as the result of building a project by using Visual Studio Tools for Applications.

System_CAPS_pubclass BinaryManager

Manages and provides access to the outputs (assemblies, pdbs, xml documentation files) of a Project.

System_CAPS_pubclass Breakpoint

Provides the ability to enable and disable a Breakpoint in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

System_CAPS_pubclass CodeClass

A class in a ProjectItem.

System_CAPS_pubclass CodeElement

A unit of code in a ProjectItem of the type defined by CodeElementKind.

System_CAPS_pubclass CodeFunction

A function in a ProjectItem.

System_CAPS_pubclass Ide

Controls the launch and visibility of the IDE.

System_CAPS_pubclass Project

Manages a collection of ProjectItem items and provides a BinaryManager to manage access to binary output.

System_CAPS_pubclass ProjectChangedEventArgs

Provides data for the ProjectChanged event.

System_CAPS_pubclass ProjectItem

Any item in a project.

System_CAPS_pubclass ProjectStorage

Methods for creating and manipulating storage of type IProjectStorage.

System_CAPS_pubclass Reference

A reference to an assembly in an MSBuild project.

System_CAPS_pubclass Session

Manages a collection of related items of type Project and provides an Ide.

System_CAPS_pubclass SessionManager

Creates and manages instances of Session objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass SourceError

Provides access to an error from a BinaryManager object.

System_CAPS_pubclass TargetFramework

Constants for supported .NET Framework targets.

System_CAPS_pubclass VSVersion

Constants for supported Visual Studio versions.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IExternalDebugHost

Notifies the host application of debugging checkpoints for loading and unloading add-ins during external host debugging.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IProjectStorage

An interface that allows a project to be loaded and saved from an externally-defined medium.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum CodeElementKind

The kind of a CodeElement

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