
DslViolationId Enumeration

Enumeration of the predefined DMDM constraint validation Errors. Start Error names with "E", warnings with "W".

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.DslDefinition
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.DslDefinition.12.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.DslDefinition.12.0.dll)


Public Enumeration DslViolationId
public enum DslViolationId
public enum class DslViolationId
type DslViolationId
public enum DslViolationId


Member name Description
E0000GeneralError General error id for debugging.
E2020ElementToolCreatingRoot Validation error - tool attempts to create root
E2030ElementToolWrongType Validation error - tool attempts to create a DomainRelationship or diagram element
E2050DuplicateToolName Validation error - duplicate tool name
E2051EmptyToolName Validation error - empty tool name
E2060ToolboxIconInvalid Validation error - invalid tool icon
E2061ToolboxIconFileNotFound Validation error - tool icon file not found
E2070ToolboxHelpKeywordFormat Validation error - tool help key invalid format
E2080ToolboxCaptionEmpty Validation error - no toolbox item caption
E2090SourceCursorIconInvalid Validation error - connector source cursor icon filepath invalid
E2091SourceCursorIconFileNotFound Validation error - connector source cursor icon file not found
E2100TargetCursorIconInvalid Validation error - connector target cursor icon filepath invalid
E2101TargetCursorIconFileNotFound Validation error - connector target cursor icon file not found
E2110DuplicateToolboxTabText Validation error - duplicate toolbox tab title.
E2111EmptyToolboxTabText Validation error - empty toolbox tab title.
E2120EditorIconInvalid Validation error - editor icon file path invalid.
E2121EditorIconFileNotFound Validation error - editor icon file not found.
E2130EditorFileExtension Validation error - file extension invalid.
E2152DslEditorRootClassWrongType Validation error - editor root class is not a plain DomainClass.
E2155DslEditorRootClassUndefined Validation error - editor root class is not specified.
E2180InvalidXmlSerializationNamespace Validation error - XmlSerialization invalid XML namespace.
E2200EditorEmptyGuid Validation error - invalid editor guid
E2210ExplorerEmptyGuid Validation error - invalid explorer guid
E2215ExplorerInvalidName Validation error - invalid explorer name
E3000InternalClassName Validation error - Name clashes with generated code.
E3001InternalXmlName Validation error - XML Name clashes with CDS.
E3005InvalidDisplayName Validation error - Blank name or displayname.
E3040DslLibraryClassMemberWrongType Validation error - Dsl Library Classes should all be plain DomainClasses.
E3041InvalidNamespace Validation error - invalid namespace.
E3042InvalidIdentifier Validation error - Invalid C# identifier.
E3043InvalidIdentifierNoContext Validation error - Invalid C# identifier.
E3045DslLibraryVersionOutOfRange Validation error - Negative version number.
E3060EnumerationLiteralNameNotUnique Validation error - Duplicate literal name within an enumeration.
E3061EnumerationValueNotNullOrInteger Validation error - Provided enumeration value is not an integer.
E3070NameNotUniqueSameType Validation error - Duplicate names among DomainClasses in same namespace.
E3071NameNotUniqueDifferentType Validation error - Duplicate names among DomainClasses in same namespace.
E3080DomainClassHasCircularInheritance Validation error - circular inheritance among DomainClasses.
E3090BaseDomainClassIsSealed Validation error - Base class is sealed.
E3100DuplicateDoubleDerivedClassDefined Validation error - Class name ends "DoubleDerived".
E3110DslEditorRootClassCannotBeAbstract Validation error - Abstract root class.
E3120ClassReferredByElementToolCannotBeAbstract Validation error - Abstract tool class.
E3160BaseDomainClassAccessibility Validation error - Base class less accessible than derived.
E3170DomainPropertyNameNotUnique Validation error - Duplicate property name.
E3171DomainPropertyNameNotAllowed Validation error - property name clash with implicit base class.
E3180DomainPropertyNameClashWithClass Validation error - Property and role names clash.
E3181DomainRoleNameClashWithInternal Validation error - Property name clash with implicit base class.
E3182RolePropertyNameClashWithInternal Validaiton error - Property name clash with implicit base class.
E3185RolePropertyPrivateNoDerivation Validation error - can't override role property if private
E3190InvalidDefaultValue Validation error - default value not valid for property.
E3192DefaultValueNotUsingInvariantCulture Validation error - default value not using InvariantCulture.
E3230OnlyOneDomainPropertyElementNameTrueAllowed Validation error - Multiple properties marked IsElementName.
E3240ElementNameProviderIsNotAllowed Validation error - ElementNameProvider but not IsElementName.
E3241NamePropertyWrongType Validation error - non-string property marked IsElementName.
E3250PropertyTypeAccessibility Validation error - property type less accessible than property.
E3260MonikersInaccessible Validation error - MonikerKey or Moniker Qualifier is private or internal
E3280TypeDefinedInOtherModel Validation error - Type is defined in a separate model not imported by this.
E3285InvalidPropertyType Validation error - Invalid property type.
E3300DomainRoleNameNotUnique Validation error - Duplicate role name.
E3310AllowDupInconsistentWithEmbeddingAndMultiplicity Validation error - AllowDuplicate means not an Embedding and Multiplicity many.
E3320MismatchingAllowDupFromBaseRelationship Validation error - AllowDuplicate must be consistent with base relationship.
E3331MismatchBaseClassAndBaseRelationship Validation error - Relationship cannot inherit from DomainClass.
E3340MismatchBaseClassLink Validation error - Base class links must be of correct type.
E3350TargetRolePlayerMustBeProperDomainClassInEmbeddingRelationship Validation error - Target of embedding may not be a relationship.
E3360MismatchingIsEmbeddingFromBaseRelationship Validation error - IsEmbedding must match base relationship.
E3370BaseRelationMustBeAbstractWhenIsEmbeddingMismatchFromBase Validation error - IsEmbedding must match base.
E3390AbstractRelationshipCannotBeReferredByLinkConnectDirective Validation error - link connect directive must refer to a DomainClass.
E3420BaseRelationshipRolePlayerIncompatible Validation error - Role player of base relationship is not a base of this roleplayer.
E3430RolePlayerAndDomainRelationshipDifferentModel Validation error - roleplayer and relationship are in different models.
E3432SourceRolePlayerDifferentModel Validation error - Source roleplayer in different model (cannot serialize).
E3440DomainRolePropertyNameInvalid Validation error - invalid or missing role property name.
E3445DomainRolePlayerInvalid Validation error - invalid or missing role player.
E3450RoleCollectionTypeIncompatibleWithMultiplicity Validation error - specified role collection type is mismatched to the multiplicity.
E3460InconsistentEmbeddedRoleMultiplicityAmongDescendents Validation error - multiplicities must be compatible with base.
E3465TargetMultiplicityMaxOne Validation error - Embedding relationships may not have "many" target multiplicity.
E3480DerivedRelationshipLowerBoundZero Validation error - mismatched derived relationship multiplicity.
E3510DerivedRelationshipUpperBoundMustBeOne Validation error - mismatched derived relationship multiplicity.
E3570ReferenceTargetRequiresMonikerOrSerialize Validation error - moniker required.
E3575AllowsDuplicateRequiresMonikerOrSerialize Validation error - moniker required.
E4000PathMustHaveSegments Validation error - empty path not allowed.
E4005InvalidRole Validation error - invalid or missing role in path.
E4010PathSegmentDislocation Validation error - target of path segment not compatible with source of next.
E4015PathInitialDislocation Validation warning - target of path segment not with initial class.
E4020PathElementSegmentDislocation Validation error - target of path segment not compatible with source of next.
E4030OnlyLastLinksMultiple Validation error - multiple links not allowed except as final path segment.
E4040PathEndDislocation Validation error - final segment of path incompatible with target class.
E4100PropertyNotInContainer Validation error - property in path belongs to a different class from that referred to
E4110NoPropertyInPropertyPath Validation error - no property defined in a property path.
E4120CannotParseDomainPath Validation error - domain path can't be parsed
E4125InvalidExplorerBehaviorHiddenNodePath Validation error - Invalid Explorer behaviour hidden node domain path
E5000ElementMergeMissingIndex Validation error - no index class in ElementMerge.
E5010DuplicateElementMergeDirectives Validation error - two ElementMerges for same index class.
E5030ElementMergeHasForwardingAndLinkCreation Validation error - ElementMerge has both forwarding and link creation paths.
E5031ElementMergeHasForwardingAndCustom Validation error - ElementMerge has not forwarding path and IsCustom set.
E5040ElementMergeHasCollectionForwardingPath Validation error - ElementMerge forwarding path must not be multiple.
E5050LinkCreationPathTarget Validation error - LinkCreation path is not compatible with index class.
E5060LinkCreationPathMustBeLinks Validation error - link creation path must end in a links segment.
E5070LinkCreationPathMustNotBeAbstract Validation error - the final segment of a link creation path must not be abstract.
E5090RolePlayerConnectDirectivePathCollection Validation error - RolePlayerConnectDirective must not be a collection path.
E5110DuplicateConnectionBuilderNames Validation error - duplicate ConnectionBuilder names.
E5111ConnectionBuilderEmptyName Validation error - empty ConnectionBuilder name.
E5130LinkDirectiveCustomOrRelationship Validation error - ConnectionBuilder must either have a LinkConnectDirective or be UsesCustomConnect.
E5150LinkConnectorTargetTypeIncompatible Validation error - LinkConnectDirective wrong target type.
E6010RootCannotBeSerialized Validation error - Root class must have SerializeId or a Moniker Key.
E6040XmlClassDataDuplicateTypeName Validation error - Duplicate type names for XmlClassData
E6041XmlClassDataInvalidTypeName Validation error - Empty type name in XmlClassData.
E6060XmlClassDataDuplicateElementName Validation error - duplicate element names in XmlClassData.
E6061XmlClassDataInvalidElementName Validation error - empty element name in XmlClassData.
E6062XmlClassDataInvalidClass Validation error - invalid or missing class moniker in XmlClassData.
E6065XmlElementNameSameAsMoniker Validation error - MonikerElementName must not be same as ElementName
E6067XmlInvalidMonikerAttributeName Validation error - Moniker attribute name must be valid XML name
E6068XmlInvalidMonikerElementName Validation error - Moniker element name must be valid XML name
E6070XmlPropertyMoniker Validation error - invalid property moniker in XmlClassData.
E6071DuplicateMonikerKey Validation error - more than one property marked as moniker key.
E6072DuplicateMonikerQualifier Validation error - more than one property marked as moniker qualifier.
E6085InvalidDomainRelationshipReference Validation error - Invalid domain relationship moniker.
E6086IncompatibleDomainRelationshipReference Validation error - Invalid domain relationship moniker.
E6087InvalidRoleElementName Validation error - Invalid domain relationship moniker.
E6115PropertiesUseFullForm Validation error - UseFullForm required.
E6117AllowDuplicatesUseFullForm Validation error - UseFullForm required.
E6125CustomRelationsUseFullForm Validation error - Set UseFullForm where the relationship is custom.
E6130XmlPropertyDataInvalidDomainProperty Validation error - invalid or missing domain property moniker in XmlPropertyData.
E6140DuplicateXmlElementName Validation error - Duplicate Xml property or role element name in XmlClassData.
E6150MonikerMustBeAttributeRepresentation Validation error - do not set Ignore in properties that are Moniker Key or Qualifier.
E7010NegativeWidthHeightThickness Validation error - negative width, height or thickness.
E7080FixedTooltipTextEmpty Validation error - TooltipText marked as fixed, but none supplied.
E7100DuplicateDecoratorName Validation error - Duplicate decorator name.
E7101EmptyDecoratorName Validation error - empty decorator name.
E7140ExpandCollapseNotOnShape Validation error - ExpandCollapse decorator inappropriate on this diagram element.
E7150IconDecoratorImageInvalid Validation error - invalid icon decorator file path.
E7151IconDecoratorImageFileNotFound Validation error - icon decorator file not found.
E7160ImageShapeImageInvalid Validation error - invalid image file path.
E7161ImageShapeImageFileNotFound Validation error - image shape file not found.
E7170CompartmentNameDuplicate Validation error - duplicate compartment name.
E7171CompartmentNameEmpty Validation error - empty compartment name.
E7180CompartmentFontSizeOutOfRange Validation error - invalid font size.
E7200ElementMergeInvalidOnShape Validation error - element merge not valid on a shape.
E7210ElementCustomMergeInvalidOnDiagramElement Validation error - custom merge invalid on a diagram.
E7220ElementMergeLinkCreationPathsInvalidOnDiagramElement Validation error - link creation paths not valid on a diagram.
E8077ShapeMapParentElementPathNull Validation error - parent element must not be null
E8080ShapeMapParentElementNotCollection Validation error - parent element must not be a collection.
E8100MappedShapeOccursInUnmappedShapes Validation error - shape occurs both in mapped shapes and unmapped shapes list.
E8130MappingDiagramClass Validation error - can't map diagram class.
E8140ShapeMapInvalidForCompartmentShape Validation error - use CompartmentShapeMap for a CompartmentShape.
E8141ShapeMapInvalidForSwimLane Validation error - use appropriate map for a SwimLane.
E8142NoShapeNorDiagramMappedToParentElement Validation error - no shape or diagram mapped to parent element path (or non-abstract subclasses).
E8145InvalidParentShapeType Validation error - invalid shape parenting.
E8146InvalidParentSubclassShapeType Validation error - invalid shape parenting.
E8150DuplicateCompartment Validation error - duplicate compartment map.
E8155MissingCompartmentMap Validation error - compartment not mapped.
E8160CompartmentElementsDisplayedCollection Validation error - compartments must display collections.
E8161CompartmentElementsDisplayedInvalid Validation error - missing ElementsDisplayed in compertment map.
E8191CompartmentMapPropertyDisplayedInvalid Validation error - invalid custom string.
E8201ConnectorMapMissingRelationOrConnector Validation error - invalid ConnectorMap.
E8210ConnectorMapSourceNotMapped Validation error - invalid ConnectorMap.
E8211ConnectorMapTargetNotMapped Validation error - invalid ConnectorMap.
E8215ConnectorMapNotAbstract Validation error - invalid ConnectorMap.
E8225InvalidDecoratorMapNoVisibilityOrProperty Validation error - decorator map has neither visibility nor property path
E8230InconsistentSwimlaneAlignment Validation error - swimlanes oriented in different directions.
E8250DuplicateShapeMap Validation error - two shapemaps map the same shape to the same class.
E8260InconsistentConnectorMapCustomization Validation error - differing customization settings on maps to same connector.
E8265DuplicateConnectorMap Validation error - two connector maps map the same relationship and connector.
E9060PropertyPathInTypeDescriptor Validation error - invalid property path.
N0101XmlDefinitionNoBehavior Validation error - XmlDefinition has no XmlSerializationBehavior
N0110EditorNoValidation Validation error - Editor has no Validation
N0120DslNoDiagram Validation error - DSL has no Diagram
N2140EditorDslMustEqualRootLibrary Validation error - inconsistent DSL referred to by Editor and root class.
N2150XmlSerializationInconsistent Validation error - inconsistent DSL references from XmlSerialization and designer.
N2220ExplorerHasNoBehavior Validation error - Explorer has no behavior
N3435InvalidRole Validation error - missing or invalid role.
N3461RootIsEmbeddedTarget Validation error - Editor Root is also target of embedding with 'one' multiplicity.
N3640EmptyGuid Validation error - empty guid not allowed - no open.
N7050IncompatibleBase Validation error - incompatible base shape.
N8075ShapeMapInvalidShapeOrClass Validation error - invalid or missing shape or class moniker.
N8180InvalidCompartment Validation error - invalid or missing comparment moniker.
N8220InvalidDecoratorMapDecoratorReference Validation error - invalid DecoratorMap.
W2160EditorRootClassUnequalDiagramClass Validation warning - the Root Class of the Editor should currently be the same as the Diagram class
W3062EnumerationFlagsShouldHaveValues Validation warning - if IsFlags is set, literals should all have values.
W3130OrphanDomainClass Validation error - class not transitively embedded in root.
W3200InvalidDefaultDomainValue Validation error - default value not valid for property.
W3380AbstractDomainRelationWithMultiplicityOneMustHaveChild Validation error - abstract relationship with a non-zero multiplicity but no child.
W3470DerivedDomainRelationshipMustBeInstantiated Validation error - abstract relationship with non-zero multiplicity forces derived relations to be instantiated.
W3490DerivedRelationshipCannotBeInstantiated Validation error - concrete base with multiplicity One prevents children from being instantiated.
W3500BaseRelationshipMissingAbstract Validation error - Base relationship is not abstract.
W3520ChangeBaseDomainRelationLowerBound Validation error - inappropriate multiplicity on base relationship.
W3565InheritSerializeId Validation error - SerializeId required.
W3571ReferenceTargetRequiresMonikerSerializeOrCustom Validation warning - moniker required.
W3576AllowsDuplicateRequiresMonikerSerializeOrCustom Validation warning - moniker required.
W6001UnresolvedLibraryImport Validation warning - Bad path in Dsllibrary import
W6002CircularLibraryImport Validation warning - Circular Dsllibrary import detected
W6088RoleElementNameIgnored Validation warning - RoleElementName not required with Omit.
W6090NoUseFullFormOrOmitOnAbstract Validation warning - No Omit nor UseFullForm on abstract relationships.
W6100DerivedRelationUseFullForm Validation error - UseFullForm in a derived relationship.
W6110DerivedRelationNoOmit Validation error - omit not recommended on derived relationship.
W6160MonikerShouldBeName Validation warning - Moniker should be Element Name
W6170MonikerShouldHaveDefault Validation warning - Moniker should be have a default value
W7310BadCompartmentDecoratorLocation Validation warning - compartment decorator should be Outer or InnerTop.
W8143SubclassOfParentElementNotMappedToShapeNorDiagram Vaildation warning - subclass of parent isn't mapped to shape or diagram.
W9065DomainTypeDescriptorHasIncompatibleProperties Validation warning - DomainTypeDescriptor has both CustomCoded=true and PropertyPaths specified
W9070DomainTypeDescriptorPropertiesNotSpecified Validation warning - DomainTypeDescriptor has neither CustomCoded=true nor any PropertyPaths specified

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.DslDefinition Namespace