DirectiveProcessor クラス
具象ディレクティブ プロセッサの抽象基本クラス。
名前空間: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating
アセンブリ: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.11.0 (Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.11.0.dll 内)
Public MustInherit Class DirectiveProcessor _
Implements IDirectiveProcessor
public abstract class DirectiveProcessor : IDirectiveProcessor
public ref class DirectiveProcessor abstract : IDirectiveProcessor
type DirectiveProcessor =
interface IDirectiveProcessor
public abstract class DirectiveProcessor implements IDirectiveProcessor
DirectiveProcessor 型で公開されるメンバーは以下のとおりです。
名前 | 説明 | |
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DirectiveProcessor | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、DirectiveProcessor クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。 |
名前 | 説明 | |
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Errors | 発生したエラーを処理するときに、ディレクティブを取得します。 |
名前 | 説明 | |
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Equals | 指定のオブジェクトが現在のオブジェクトと等しいかどうかを判断します。 (Object から継承されます。) |
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Finalize | オブジェクトがガベージ コレクションにより収集される前に、そのオブジェクトがリソースを解放し、その他のクリーンアップ操作を実行できるようにします。 (Object から継承されます。) |
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FinishProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、一連のディレクティブ処理を終了します。 |
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GetClassCodeForProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、生成された変換クラスに追加するコードを取得します。 |
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GetHashCode | 特定の型のハッシュ関数として機能します。 (Object から継承されます。) |
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GetImportsForProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、生成された変換クラスにインポートする名前空間を取得します。 |
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GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、生成された変換クラスの初期化メソッドの最後に追加するコードを取得します。 |
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GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、コードが生成された変換クラスの初期化メソッドの先頭に追加するを取得します。 |
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GetReferencesForProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、生成された変換クラス コンパイラに渡す参照を取得します。 |
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GetTemplateClassCustomAttributes | テンプレート クラスを設定するには、カスタム属性を取得します。 |
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GetType | 現在のインスタンスの Type を取得します。 (Object から継承されます。) |
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Initialize | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、プロセッサ インスタンスを初期化します。 |
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IsDirectiveSupported | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、ディレクティブ プロセッサが指定されたディレクティブをサポートするかどうかを判定します。 |
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MemberwiseClone | 現在の Object の簡易コピーを作成します。 (Object から継承されます。) |
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ProcessDirective | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、テンプレート ファイルから 1 つのディレクティブを処理します。 |
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StartProcessingRun | 派生クラスでオーバーライドされると、開始ディレクティブの処理の実行。 |
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ToString | 現在のオブジェクトを表す文字列を返します。 (Object から継承されます。) |
名前 | 説明 | |
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IDirectiveProcessor.Errors | |
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IDirectiveProcessor.RequiresProcessingRunIsHostSpecific | |
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IDirectiveProcessor.SetProcessingRunIsHostSpecific |
テキスト テンプレートの変換プロセスには 2 つの手順があります。最初の手順では、テキスト テンプレートの変換エンジンは、生成された変換クラスと呼ばれるクラスを作成します。2 番目の手順で、エンジンによって生成済み変換クラスがコンパイルおよび実行され、生成済みテキスト出力が生成されます。
ディレクティブ プロセッサは、生成された変換クラスにコードを追加することで機能します。テキスト テンプレートからディレクティブを呼び出し、ディレクティブを呼び出した後は、テキスト テンプレートで記述する残りのコードはディレクティブによって提供される機能に依存できます。テキスト テンプレートのカスタム機能を提供する独自のカスタム ディレクティブ プロセッサを書き込むことができます。
詳細については、「カスタム T4 テキスト テンプレート ディレクティブ プロセッサの作成」を参照してください。
テキスト テンプレートの変換エンジンは、必要な DirectiveProcessor クラスのシングルトン インスタンスを保持します。
DirectiveProcessor は、ステート マシンを実装します。
たとえば、テキスト テンプレートに同じディレクティブ プロセッサへの 3 つのディレクティブ呼び出しがある場合、エンジンは以下の順序でメソッドを呼び出します。
次の例は、カスタム ディレクティブ プロセッサを作成します。カスタム ディレクティブ プロセッサには、XML ファイルを読み取るディレクティブが含まれています。ディレクティブは、XmlDocument 変数に XML を格納し、プロパティを通じて XmlDocument を公開します。
詳細については、「チュートリアル: カスタム ディレクティブ プロセッサの作成」を参照してください。
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating;
namespace CustomDP
public class CustomDirectiveProcessor : DirectiveProcessor
//this buffer stores the code that is added to the
//generated transformation class after all the processing is done
private StringBuilder codeBuffer;
//Using a Code Dom Provider creates code for the
//generated transformation class in either Visual Basic or C#.
//If you want your directive processor to support only one language, you
//can hard code the code you add to the generated transformation class.
//In that case, you do not need this field.
private CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider;
//this stores the full contents of the text template that is being processed
private String templateContents;
//These are the errors that occur during processing. The engine passes
//the errors to the host, and the host can decide how to display them,
//for example the the host can display the errors in the UI
//or write them to a file.
private CompilerErrorCollection errorsValue;
public new CompilerErrorCollection Errors
get { return errorsValue; }
//Each time this directive processor is called, it creates a new property.
//We count how many times we are called, and append "n" to each new
//property name. The property names are therefore unique.
private int directiveCount = 0;
public override void Initialize(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host)
//we do not need to do any initialization work
public override void StartProcessingRun(CodeDomProvider languageProvider, String templateContents, CompilerErrorCollection errors)
//the engine has passed us the language of the text template
//we will use that language to generate code later
this.codeDomProvider = languageProvider;
this.templateContents = templateContents;
this.errorsValue = errors;
this.codeBuffer = new StringBuilder();
//Before calling the ProcessDirective method for a directive, the
//engine calls this function to see whether the directive is supported.
//Notice that one directive processor might support many directives.
public override bool IsDirectiveSupported(string directiveName)
if (string.Compare(directiveName, "CoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return true;
if (string.Compare(directiveName, "SuperCoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return true;
return false;
public override void ProcessDirective(string directiveName, IDictionary<string, string> arguments)
if (string.Compare(directiveName, "CoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
string fileName;
if (!arguments.TryGetValue("FileName", out fileName))
throw new DirectiveProcessorException("Required argument 'FileName' not specified.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
throw new DirectiveProcessorException("Argument 'FileName' is null or empty.");
//Now we add code to the generated transformation class.
//This directive supports either Visual Basic or C#, so we must use the
//System.CodeDom to create the code.
//If a directive supports only one language, you can hard code the code.
CodeMemberField documentField = new CodeMemberField();
documentField.Name = "document" + directiveCount + "Value";
documentField.Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(XmlDocument));
documentField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private;
CodeMemberProperty documentProperty = new CodeMemberProperty();
documentProperty.Name = "Document" + directiveCount;
documentProperty.Type = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(XmlDocument));
documentProperty.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;
documentProperty.HasSet = false;
documentProperty.HasGet = true;
CodeExpression fieldName = new CodeFieldReferenceExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), documentField.Name);
CodeExpression booleanTest = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression(fieldName, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality, new CodePrimitiveExpression(null));
CodeExpression rightSide = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(new CodeTypeReferenceExpression("XmlReaderHelper"), "ReadXml", new CodePrimitiveExpression(fileName));
CodeStatement[] thenSteps = new CodeStatement[] { new CodeAssignStatement(fieldName, rightSide) };
CodeConditionStatement ifThen = new CodeConditionStatement(booleanTest, thenSteps);
CodeStatement s = new CodeMethodReturnStatement(fieldName);
CodeGeneratorOptions options = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true;
options.IndentString = " ";
options.VerbatimOrder = true;
options.BracingStyle = "C";
using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(codeBuffer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromMember(documentField, writer, options);
codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromMember(documentProperty, writer, options);
}//end CoolDirective
//One directive processor can contain many directives.
//If you want to support more directives, the code goes here...
if (string.Compare(directiveName, "supercooldirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
//code for SuperCoolDirective goes here...
}//end SuperCoolDirective
//Track how many times the processor has been called.
}//end ProcessDirective
public override void FinishProcessingRun()
this.codeDomProvider = null;
//important: do not do this:
//the get methods below are called after this method
//and the get methods can access this field
//this.codeBuffer = null;
public override string GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun()
//Use this method to add code to the start of the
//Initialize() method of the generated transformation class.
//We do not need any pre-initialization, so we will just return "".
//GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun runs before the
//Initialize() method of the base class.
return String.Empty;
public override string GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun()
//Use this method to add code to the end of the
//Initialize() method of the generated transformation class.
//We do not need any post-initialization, so we will just return "".
//GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun runs after the
//Initialize() method of the base class.
return String.Empty;
public override string GetClassCodeForProcessingRun()
//Return the code to add to the generated transformation class.
return codeBuffer.ToString();
public override string[] GetReferencesForProcessingRun()
//This returns the references that we want to use when
//compiling the generated transformation class.
//We need a reference to this assembly to be able to call
//XmlReaderHelper.ReadXml from the generated transformation class.
return new string[]
public override string[] GetImportsForProcessingRun()
//This returns the imports or using statements that we want to
//add to the generated transformation class.
//We need CustomDP to be able to call XmlReaderHelper.ReadXml
//from the generated transformation class.
return new string[]
}//end class CustomDirectiveProcessor
// the code that we are adding to the generated transformation class
// will call this method
public static class XmlReaderHelper
public static XmlDocument ReadXml(string fileName)
XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument();
using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fileName))
catch (System.Xml.XmlException e)
throw new DirectiveProcessorException("Unable to read the XML file.", e);
return d;
}//end class XmlReaderHelper
}//end namespace CustomDP
Imports System
Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating
Namespace CustomDP
Public Class CustomDirectiveProcessor
Inherits DirectiveProcessor
'this buffer stores the code that is added to the
'generated transformation class after all the processing is done
Private codeBuffer As StringBuilder
'Using a Code Dom Provider creates code for the
'generated transformation class in either Visual Basic or C#.
'If you want your directive processor to support only one language, you
'can hard code the code you add to the generated transformation class.
'In that case, you do not need this field.
Private codeDomProvider As CodeDomProvider
'this stores the full contents of the text template that is being processed
Private templateContents As String
'These are the errors that occur during processing. The engine passes
'the errors to the host, and the host can decide how to display them,
'for example the the host can display the errors in the UI
'or write them to a file.
Private errorsValue As CompilerErrorCollection
Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Errors() As CompilerErrorCollection
Return errorsValue
End Get
End Property
'Each time this directive processor is called, it creates a new property.
'We count how many times we are called, and append "n" to each new
'property name. The property names are therefore unique.
Private directiveCount As Integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal host As ITextTemplatingEngineHost)
'we do not need to do any initialization work
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub StartProcessingRun(ByVal languageProvider As CodeDomProvider, ByVal templateContents As String, ByVal errors As CompilerErrorCollection)
'the engine has passed us the language of the text template
'we will use that language to generate code later
Me.codeDomProvider = languageProvider
Me.templateContents = templateContents
Me.errorsValue = errors
Me.codeBuffer = New StringBuilder()
End Sub
'Before calling the ProcessDirective method for a directive, the
'engine calls this function to see whether the directive is supported.
'Notice that one directive processor might support many directives.
Public Overrides Function IsDirectiveSupported(ByVal directiveName As String) As Boolean
If String.Compare(directiveName, "CoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then
Return True
End If
If String.Compare(directiveName, "SuperCoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Public Overrides Sub ProcessDirective(ByVal directiveName As String, ByVal arguments As IDictionary(Of String, String))
If String.Compare(directiveName, "CoolDirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then
Dim fileName As String
If Not (arguments.TryGetValue("FileName", fileName)) Then
Throw New DirectiveProcessorException("Required argument 'FileName' not specified.")
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) Then
Throw New DirectiveProcessorException("Argument 'FileName' is null or empty.")
End If
'Now we add code to the generated transformation class.
'This directive supports either Visual Basic or C#, so we must use the
'System.CodeDom to create the code.
'If a directive supports only one language, you can hard code the code.
Dim documentField As CodeMemberField = New CodeMemberField()
documentField.Name = "document" & directiveCount & "Value"
documentField.Type = New CodeTypeReference(GetType(XmlDocument))
documentField.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Private
Dim documentProperty As CodeMemberProperty = New CodeMemberProperty()
documentProperty.Name = "Document" & directiveCount
documentProperty.Type = New CodeTypeReference(GetType(XmlDocument))
documentProperty.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
documentProperty.HasSet = False
documentProperty.HasGet = True
Dim fieldName As CodeExpression = New CodeFieldReferenceExpression(New CodeThisReferenceExpression(), documentField.Name)
Dim booleanTest As CodeExpression = New CodeBinaryOperatorExpression(fieldName, CodeBinaryOperatorType.IdentityEquality, New CodePrimitiveExpression(Nothing))
Dim rightSide As CodeExpression = New CodeMethodInvokeExpression(New CodeTypeReferenceExpression("XmlReaderHelper"), "ReadXml", New CodePrimitiveExpression(fileName))
Dim thenSteps As CodeStatement() = New CodeStatement() {New CodeAssignStatement(fieldName, rightSide)}
Dim ifThen As CodeConditionStatement = New CodeConditionStatement(booleanTest, thenSteps)
Dim s As CodeStatement = New CodeMethodReturnStatement(fieldName)
Dim options As CodeGeneratorOptions = New CodeGeneratorOptions()
options.BlankLinesBetweenMembers = True
options.IndentString = " "
options.VerbatimOrder = True
options.BracingStyle = "VB"
Using writer As StringWriter = New StringWriter(codeBuffer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromMember(documentField, writer, options)
codeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromMember(documentProperty, writer, options)
End Using
End If 'CoolDirective
'One directive processor can contain many directives.
'If you want to support more directives, the code goes here...
If String.Compare(directiveName, "supercooldirective", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 Then
'code for SuperCoolDirective goes here
End If 'SuperCoolDirective
'Track how many times the processor has been called.
directiveCount += 1
End Sub 'ProcessDirective
Public Overrides Sub FinishProcessingRun()
Me.codeDomProvider = Nothing
'important: do not do this:
'the get methods below are called after this method
'and the get methods can access this field
'Me.codeBuffer = Nothing
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun() As String
'Use this method to add code to the start of the
'Initialize() method of the generated transformation class.
'We do not need any pre-initialization, so we will just return "".
'GetPreInitializationCodeForProcessingRun runs before the
'Initialize() method of the base class.
Return String.Empty
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun() As String
'Use this method to add code to the end of the
'Initialize() method of the generated transformation class.
'We do not need any post-initialization, so we will just return "".
'GetPostInitializationCodeForProcessingRun runs after the
'Initialize() method of the base class.
Return String.Empty
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetClassCodeForProcessingRun() As String
'Return the code to add to the generated transformation class.
Return codeBuffer.ToString()
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetReferencesForProcessingRun() As String()
'This returns the references that we want to use when
'compiling the generated transformation class.
'We need a reference to this assembly to be able to call
'XmlReaderHelper.ReadXml from the generated transformation class.
Return New String() {"System.Xml", Me.GetType().Assembly.Location}
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetImportsForProcessingRun() As String()
'This returns the imports or using statements that we want to
'add to the generated transformation class.
'We need CustomDP to be able to call XmlReaderHelper.ReadXml
'from the generated transformation class.
Return New String() {"System.Xml", "CustomDP"}
End Function
End Class 'CustomDirectiveProcessor
' the code that we are adding to the generated transformation class
' will call this method
Public Class XmlReaderHelper
Public Shared Function ReadXml(ByVal fileName As String) As XmlDocument
Dim d As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Using reader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(fileName)
Catch e As System.Xml.XmlException
Throw New DirectiveProcessorException("Unable to read the XML file.", e)
End Try
End Using
Return d
End Function
End Class 'XmlReaderHelper
End Namespace
スレッド セーフ
この型のすべてのパブリック static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバーは、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバーの場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating 名前空間