
Working with Machines

You can select one or more machines from the list of machines in the Exploration Manager pane. Spec Explorer provides the following operations, which include some that are specific to the selected machines. These operations are performed through the use of the buttons on the Exploration Manager toolbar. Some operations are also available through the right-click menu for the selection.

  1. Validation: Validation is not specific to the selected machine. To validate the solution, click Validate script(s) on the Exploration Manager toolbar. This operation first performs a Visual Studio build of the solution and then checks the model program and all Cord configuration scripts for consistency. Other operations implicitly include validation, so this particular operation should be used when you intend to perform validation and nothing else.

  2. Exploration: To explore selected machines, click Explore on the Exploration Manager toolbar. Spec Explorer explores the behavior of the machines and displays the result or a summary of results. Exploration and display are controlled by many options in the configurations on which the machine is based.

  3. Generate Tests: To generate test code for selected machines, click Generate Test Code on the Exploration Manager toolbar. This explores the machines and generates standalone test cases. Note that the exploration is NOT displayed. A machine must be flagged as both TestEnabled and ForExploration for test generation to be done. Not every machine is suitable for test generation; only machines whose behavior is in a certain normal form will support test generation.

For more information about Exploration Manager and Exploration Graph Viewer, see Operating Spec Explorer.

See Also


Using Spec Explorer for the First Time
Exploring a Machine
Defining a Machine
Exploration Manager