
LogicalOperations Members

Provides methods that perform common logic operations and that have a control flow that does not depend on the operators. These methods do not create a branch in the execution flow and are suitable for building up constraints in enabling conditions and in parameter constraints.

The following tables list the members exposed by the LogicalOperations type.

Public Methods

  Name Description
public method static And Indicates whether two statements are both true. Provides an equivalent to a logical AND, & in C#.
public method static Exists Indicates whether a predicate is true for at least one element of a collection.
public method static Forall Indicates whether a predicate is true for all elements of a collection.
public method static Iff Indicates whether two statements are logically equivalent. Provides an equivalent to an equality operator, == in C#.
public method static Implies Indicates whether two statements satisfy a logical implication statement.
public method static Not Returns the logical negation of a statement. Provides an equivalent to a logical negation operator, ! in C#.
public method static Or Indicates whether at least one statement is true. Provides an equivalent to a logical OR, | in C#.


See Also


LogicalOperations Class
Microsoft.Modeling Namespace
Condition Class
Combination Class

Other Resources

Parameter Generation