
Creating custom HTML error messages in Forefront TMG

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

In Forefront TMG and Forefront TMG SP1, you can create additional HTML error messages that are customized for your organization. There are two default HTML error files in the ...\Forefront Threat Management Gateway\ErrorHtmls folder that can be used as templates for creating additional HTML error message pages:

  • DEFAULT.htm (internal clients)

  • DEFAULTR.htm (external clients)

To create custom HTML error messages

  1. Open one of the default error message pages in your preferred HTML editor.

  2. Save the new error message in the same folder with the file name Errorcode.htm.

  3. Edit the file as follows:

    • Replace [ERRORNUM] with the appropriate error code.

    • Replace [ERRORTEXT] with the appropriate error message text.

    • Replace [SERVERNAME] with the name of the server that returns the HTML page.

    • Replace [VIAHEADER] with the Via header message string that the Forefront TMG computer receives.

  4. To use inline graphics in your custom HTML error messages, you must store them in a separate, shared directory on the Forefront TMG computer, and use fully qualified URLs in the HTML error message files to point to inline graphics.

    You can use either .gif or .jpg files as inline graphics in your custom HTML error messages.

  5. Save the new error message.

  6. Restart the Microsoft Forefront TMG Firewall service for the changes to take effect.