
What's new in Forefront TMG 2010 SP1

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

Forefront TMG 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) introduces new features and provides enhancements to the release version of Forefront TMG 2010. This topic provides an overview of the new features and enhancements, and lists the additional documentation that is available specifically for Forefront TMG SP1.

New features and enhancements

The following table lists the new features and enhancements that are included in the service pack.

Feature Description Links to more information

New reporting features

  • The new User Activity report displays web surfing information, including the websites and URL categories that specific users have requested, over any period that you specify.

Planning for reporting

Creating reports

  • All Forefront TMG reports have a new look and feel.

Enhancements to URL filtering

  • You can allow users to override the access restriction on sites that are blocked by URL filtering. This helps make the web access policy easier to deploy and more flexible, in that users can decide for themselves whether to access a blocked site. This is especially useful for websites that have been incorrectly categorized.

Planning for deny rule user override (SP1)

See Enable user override for deny rules in Configuring web access rule properties.

  • You can override the categorization of a URL on the enterprise level; the override is then effective for each enterprise-joined array.

Planning for URL filtering

Overriding URL categorization

  • You can customize denial notification pages for your organization's needs.

See Modify denial notification in Configuring web access rule properties.

Enhanced branch office support

  • When installed on a computer running Windows Server 2008 R2, SP1 simplifies the deployment of BranchCache at the branch office, using Forefront TMG as the Hosted Cache server.

Planning for BranchCache (SP1)

Configuring BranchCache in Forefront TMG (SP1)

  • You can collocate Forefront TMG and a read-only domain controller on the same server, which can help to reduce the total cost of ownership at branch offices.

Installing Forefront TMG on a domain controller

Support for publishing SharePoint 2010

  • Forefront TMG SP1 supports the secure publishing of SharePoint 2010.

What’s new in Forefront TMG online documentation

The following new online documentation is also available:


Forefront TMG Product Evaluation