
Creating user accounts

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

This topic describes how to create user accounts for Forefront TMG servers in a workgroup. Forefront TMG uses mirror accounts to manage the different servers because you cannot define a shared account outside a domain. You need to define a mirror administrator account on all servers, by creating a user with the same name and password that belongs to the local Administrators group of each server.


When creating user accounts you should not specify a domain or computer name prefix.

To create a user account with administrator privileges

  1. In Computer Management on the Forefront TMG server, click Local Users and Groups, right-click Users, and then select New User.

  2. In New User, type a name for the user and enter a password, and click Create. Then click Close.

  3. In Groups, right-click the Administrators group, and then select Add to Group.

  4. Click Add, and enter the name of the user you created.

  5. Click Check Names, and then click OK.


Preparing for installation in a workgroup environment