
Modifying credentials used by an array member

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Unified Access Gateway

When you add a Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) server to an array, you specify the credentials for connecting to the array manager. These credentials are used when initially joining the array, and subsequently each time the array member connects to the array manager. In some cases, you might need to modify these credentials at a later stage; for example, if an account expires.

The following describes how to modify the array credentials.

To modify array credentials

  1. Open the Forefront UAG Management console on the array member for which you want to modify credentials. The Array Management Wizard opens automatically.

  2. On the Configure Array Settings page, click Specify array credentials.

  3. On the Specify Array Credentials page, enter the new credentials that you want to use, and then click Finish.


    When changing a password, ensure that you update the settings on each array member that uses the same user name and password combination.

    When you complete the wizard, the credentials with which this Forefront UAG server connects to the array manager will be changed. This action may take a few minutes.