
Backing up and restoring the enterprise configuration

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

This topic describes how to back up and restore the enterprise configuration from your Enterprise Management Server (EMS). Enterprise configuration settings are relevant for, and are shared by, all members of the array.


You must be a Forefront TMG Enterprise Administrator or Enterprise Auditor to back up and restore the enterprise configuration. To back up and restore enterprise-level confidential information, you must be a Forefront TMG Enterprise Administrator.

The following procedures provide instructions on:

  • Backing up an enterprise configuration

  • Restoring an enterprise configuration

Backing up an enterprise configuration

To back up an enterprise configuration

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Enterprise node.

  2. On the Tasks tab, click Export Enterprise Configuration.

  3. To export confidential information, such as user passwords and certificates, select Export confidential information and provide a password. Confidential information is encrypted during the export process. The password you enter here will be required to import the configuration.


    • It is recommended that you specify a strong password to ensure proper protection of encrypted information. For details, see Planning for backup and restore.

    • The export process does not back up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. For information about how to back up SSL certificates, see About backing up SSL certificates.

  4. To export user permissions, select Export user permission settings.

  5. In Save this data in this file, specify the folder in which the export file will be saved, and the file name.

  6. In File name, enter a name for the exported file.

Restoring an enterprise configuration

To restore an enterprise configuration

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Enterprise node.

  2. On the Tasks tab, click Import Enterprise Configuration.

  3. Select the file that you saved when you exported the configuration.

  4. Select Overwrite (restore) to restore configuration settings.

  5. If you exported user permissions, select Import user permission settings.

  6. If you exported confidential information, enter the password that you specified when you exported the file.


Planning for backup and restore
Backing up and restoring the Forefront TMG configuration