
Configuring content download jobs

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

Forefront TMG content download jobs proactively update the cache to anticipate client requests, improving performance and saving bandwidth. The following procedure describes how to configure a content download job:

Configuring a content download job

To configure a content download job

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Web Access Policy node.

  2. On the Tasks tab, click Configure Web Caching.

  3. On the Content Download tab, click New. Follow the instructions in the wizard, and note the following:

    1. Download jobs can only run if the Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service is running.

    2. Selecting Cache all content includes redirection responses (301, 302, and 307).


Caching website content