
Create a COM+ Routing Cluster

A COM+ routing cluster uses CLB to route activation requests for COM+ components from clients to a COM+ application cluster. A COM+ routing cluster is essentially a load balancer for COM+ components that are on a COM+ application cluster. COM+ routing clusters are useful when requests for COM+ applications come from a combination of Web and Windows-based applications. For most cases, you do not need to create a separate COM+ routing cluster; you can create Web clusters that perform CLB.

To create a COM+ routing cluster

  1. Configure Cluster Communication.

  2. Start the New Cluster Wizard.

  3. On the Cluster Type page, click COM+ routing cluster, and then click Next.

  4. On the Load Balancing page, select the appropriate load balancing option, and then click Next.

  5. On the Load Balancing Options page, select the network adapter that Application Center will use for member management.

  6. To receive notification of cluster events, on the Monitoring Options page, enter an e-mail address and e-mail server name, and then click Next.

  7. Click Finish.

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