
Synchronizations View

The following sections describe the list, details, and status icons that are used in the Synchronizations view.

Synchronizations List

In the Synchronizations view, you can see all of the synchronizations that are occurring or have occurred recently on the cluster. The synchronizations list provides information about each synchronization, including the following:

  • Date Started: the day on which the synchronization was initiated.

  • Time Started: the time when the synchronization was initiated.

  • Name: the friendly name for the synchronization.

  • Status: the current status for the synchronization.

  • Errors: the cumulative total of synchronization errors, such as files that could not be synchronized.

  • Elapsed Time: the total time synchronization has been running.

Synchronizations Details

Selecting a synchronization in the list provides the following detailed information in the lower part of the Synchronizations view. The icons are in the order that the synchronization process follows:

  • Name: the friendly name for the synchronization.

  • Status: the current status for the synchronization.

  • Errors: the cumulative total of synchronization errors, such as files that could not be synchronized.

  • Files Scanned: the total number of files analyzed for changes on one or more targets.

  • Files Transferred: the total number of files sent to one or more targets.

  • Files Applied: the total number of files updated on one or more targets.

Application Center updates the Synchronizations view every 10 seconds.

Status Icons

The following table summarizes and describes the different synchronization status icons.




Idle: not synchronizing currently.


Initializing: preparing to synchronize.


Scanning: determining what to synchronize.


Transfer: transferring files to targets.


Apply: applying changes to targets.


Success: synchronization finished with no errors.


Partial Success: synchronization finished with one or more errors.


Failure: synchronization did not finish because errors.


Canceling: the administrator is canceling synchronization.


Canceled: the administrator canceled synchronization.

Synchronizations Events

Selecting a synchronization event in the list provides the following information in the lower pane of the Synchronizations view. The icons are in the order that the synchronization process follows:

  • Name: the friendly name for the synchronization.

  • Status: the current status for the synchronization.

  • Errors: the cumulative total of synchronization errors, such as files that could not be synchronized .

  • Files Scanned: the total number of files analyzed for changes on one or more targets.

  • Files Transferred: the total number of files sent to targets.

  • Files Applied: the total number of files updated on the targets.

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