
Install COM Components

Application Center does not support the synchronization of COM Classic components. To synchronize a COM Classic component, create a COM+ application, and then install the COM Classic component into the COM+ application.

To install COM components

  1. In the Component Services snap-in, click the server that is hosting the COM+ application.

  2. Open the COM+ Applications folder for that server, and then click the application in which to install the component.

  3. Open the Application folder, and then select Components.

  4. On the Action menu, click New.

  5. Click Next, and then click Install component(s) that are already registered.

  6. In the Choose Components to Install dialog box, select the Details check box to see complete information about registered components.

  7. In the list, click the components to install, and then click Next.

    Bb687387.note(en-us,TechNet.10).gif Note   You can install only components that are not already installed.

  8. Click Finish.

  9. To install multiple COM Classic components into a single COM+ application, repeat the preceding steps.

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