
MonitoringAlert.TimeResolved Property


Applies To: Operations Manager for System Center 2012

Gets the time, in DateTime format, the alert was resolved.

Namespace:   Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring
Assembly:  Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager (in Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll)


[DataMemberAttribute(IsRequired = true)]
public Nullable<DateTime> TimeResolved { get; internal set; }
[DataMemberAttribute(IsRequired = true)]
property Nullable<DateTime> TimeResolved {
    Nullable<DateTime> get();
    internal: void set(Nullable<DateTime> value);
[<DataMemberAttribute(IsRequired = true)>]
member TimeResolved : Nullable<DateTime> with get, internal set
<DataMemberAttribute(IsRequired := True)>
Public Property TimeResolved As Nullable(Of Date)
    Friend Set
End Property

Property Value

Type: System.Nullable<DateTime>

Returns the time in DateTime, the alert was resolved. Closing the alert sets the TimeResolved property.


This value is null if the alert is active.

See Also

MonitoringAlert Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring Namespace

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