
ManagementPack Members

This class represents a System Center Operations Manager 2007 management pack.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ManagementPack type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ManagementPack Overloaded. Creates a new instance of the ManagementPack class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ContentReadable Gets a value indicating whether the content inside the management pack is readable.
public property DefaultLanguageCode Gets or sets the default language pack to use for this management pack.
public property Description Gets or sets the display description of this management pack in the default language code specified for this management group.
public property DisplayName Gets or sets the name displayed in the user interface of this management pack in the default language code specified for this management group.
public property FriendlyName Gets or sets the name as specified by the author.
public property Id Gets the GUID for this management pack.
public property KeyToken Gets the key token used to securely identify the management pack.
public property LastModified Gets the date when the management pack was last modified.
public property LockObject Gets an object that is used to synchronize updates to the management pack from multiple threads.
public property Name Gets the short name used by the system for the management pack.
public property References Gets the reference dictionary as defined in the manifest section for a management pack.
public property Sealed Gets a value indicating whether the management pack can be edited.
public property TimeCreated Gets the date and time when the management pack was created.
public property Version Gets or sets the version string for the management pack.
public property VersionId Gets the GUID that represents the version identifier for the management pack.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AcceptChanges Commits any unsaved changes that were made to the management pack since it was loaded or since the last time the AcceptChanges method was called.
public method CheckVersionCompatibility Checks the version compatibility of the current management pack with the specified element.
public method DeleteMonitoringObjectGroup Deletes the specified monitoring object group from the management pack.
public method Dispose Disposes of this object by releasing all the object's resources.
public method Equals Overloaded. Overridden.  
public method FindManagementPackElementByName Finds and returns the specified management pack element if the element is in the management pack.
public method GetClass Retrieves the specified monitoring class from the management pack.
public method GetClasses Retrieves all monitoring classes in the management pack.
public method GetConfigurationGroup Returns a ManagementPackConfigurationGroup object with the specified identifier defined in this ManagementPack.
public method GetConfigurationGroups Returns a collection of ManagementPackConfigurationGroup objects defined in this ManagementPack.
public method GetConsoleTask Retrieves the specified console task from the management pack.
public method GetConsoleTasks Retrieves all console tasks contained in the management pack.
public method GetDataType Retrieves the specified data type from the management pack.
public method GetDataTypes Retrieves all data types defined in the management pack.
public method GetDataWarehouseDataset Retrieves the specified data set from the data warehouse object in the management pack.
public method GetDataWarehouseDataSets Retrieves all the data sets from the data warehouse object in the management pack.
public method GetDataWarehouseScript Retrieves the specified data warehouse script from the management pack.
public method GetDataWarehouseScripts Retrieves all the data warehouse scripts from the data warehouse object in the management pack.
public method GetDiagnostic Retrieves the specified diagnostic from the management pack.
public method GetDiagnostics Retrieves a collection of all diagnostics contained in the management pack.
public method GetDiscoveries Retrieves all ManagementPackDiscovery objects defined in the management pack.
public method GetDiscovery Retrieves the specified ManagementPackDiscovery object from the management pack.
public method GetDisplayString Overloaded. Retrieves the display string for the management pack.
public method GetFolder Retrieves the specified folder from the management pack.
public method GetFolderItems Retrieves the folder items in the management pack.
public method GetFolders Retrieves all folders contained in the management pack.
public method GetHashCode Overridden. Calculates the hash code of the management pack's Id object.
public method GetImage Retrieves the specified image from the management pack.
public method GetImageReferences Retrieves all images referenced by the current management pack but stored in other management packs.
public method GetImages Retrieves all images contained in the management pack.
public method GetKnowledgeArticle Overloaded. Retrieves the knowledge article for the management pack.
public method GetLanguagePack Overloaded. Retrieves the default language pack from the management pack.
public method GetLanguagePacks Retrieves all language packs contained in the management pack.
public method GetLinkedReport Retrieves the specified linked report that is defined in this management pack.
public method GetLinkedReports Gets all the linked report objects that are defined in this management pack.
public method GetModuleType Retrieves the specified module type from the management pack.
public method GetModuleTypes Retrieves all module types contained in the management pack.
public method GetMonitor Retrieves the specified monitor from the management pack.
public method GetMonitors Retrieves all monitors contained in the management pack.
public method GetOverride Retrieves the specified override from the management pack.
public method GetOverrides Retrieves all overrides contained in the management pack.
public method GetRecoveries Retrieves all ManagementPackRecovery objects contained in the management pack.
public method GetRecovery Retrieves the specified ManagementPackRecovery object from the management pack.
public method GetRelationship Retrieves the specified relationship from the management pack.
public method GetRelationships Retrieves all relationships contained in the management pack.
public method GetReport Retrieves the specified report from the management pack.
public method GetReportParameterControl Retrieves the specified ManagementPackReportParameterControl objects contained in the management pack.
public method GetReportParameterControls Retrieves all ManagementPackReportParameterControl objects contained in the management pack.
public method GetReportResource Gets the specified report resource object in the management pack.
public method GetReportResources Gets all the report resource objects defined in the management pack.
public method GetReports Retrieves all reports contained in the management pack.
public method GetRule Retrieves the specified rule from the management pack.
public method GetRules Retrieves all rules contained in the management pack.
public method GetSchemaType Retrieves the specified schema type from the management pack.
public method GetSchemaTypes Retrieves all schema types in the management pack.
public method GetSecureReference Retrieves a secure reference for this management pack.
public method GetSecureReferences Retrieves all secure references for this management pack.
public method GetServiceLevelObjective Returns a ManagementPackSLO object with the specified identifier defined in this ManagementPack object.
public method GetServiceLevelObjectives Returns a collection of ManagementPackSLO objects defined in this ManagementPack object.
public method GetStringResource Gets the specified string resource defined in the management pack.
public method GetStringResources Gets all the string resources defined in the management pack.
public method GetTask Retrieves the specified task from the management pack.
public method GetTasks Retrieves all tasks contained in the management pack.
public method GetTemplate Retrieves the specified monitoring template from the management pack.
public method GetTemplates Retrieves all monitoring templates contained in the management pack.
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method GetUIPage Retrieves the specified property or wizard page from the management pack.
public method GetUIPages Retrieves all property or wizard pages contained in the management pack.
public method GetUIPageSet Retrieves the specified page set from the management pack.
public method GetUIPageSets Retrieves all page sets contained in the management pack.
public method GetUnitMonitorType Retrieves the specified unit monitor type from the management pack.
public method GetUnitMonitorTypes Retrieves all unit monitor types contained in the management pack.
public method GetView Retrieves the specified view from the management pack.
public method GetViews Retrieves all views contained in the management pack.
public method GetViewType Retrieves the specified view type from the management pack.
public method GetViewTypes Retrieves all view types from the management pack.
public method InsertCustomMonitoringObjectGroup Overloaded. Inserts a custom monitoring object group into the management pack.
public method ProcessElementReference Processes a reference string that references one element found in the management pack into a management pack element.
public method ProcessElementReferences Processes a reference string that references multiple elements found in the management pack into a management pack element.
public method ProcessMonitoringTemplate Overloaded. Processes the specified template and inserts the results into the management pack.
public method ProcessSubElementPropertyReference Processes a reference found in this management pack into a ManagementPackSubElement object.
public method ProcessSubElementPropertyReferences Processes element references in this management pack into a particular workflow module.
public method ProcessTargetReference Processes the specified reference and target in the management pack into a management pack class property.
public method ProcessTargetReferences Processes the specified references and target in the management pack into a list of management pack class properties.
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method RejectChanges Rolls back any unsaved changes to the management pack.
public method ToString Overridden. Retrieves a string containing the management pack name.
public method Verify Verifies the management pack contents against the management pack Schema.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


ManagementPack Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration Namespace

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