CreateRecordset メソッドの使用例 (VB)
Recordset オブジェクトを作成し、列情報を指定できます。 その後、Recordset オブジェクトにデータを挿入できます。基になる行セットは、挿入をバッファーします。
次のコード例は、RDSServer.DataFactory オブジェクトを使用して Recordset を定義する方法を示しています。 これは、RDS でも実行できます。DataControl オブジェクト。
Sub Main()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim ADF As RDSServer.DataFactory
Dim vntRecordShape(3)
Dim vntField1Shape(3)
Dim vntField2Shape(3)
Dim vntField3Shape(3)
Dim vntField4Shape(3)
Set ADF = New RDSServer.DataFactory
' For each field, specify the name,
' type, size, and nullability.
vntField1Shape(0) = "Name" ' Column name.
vntField1Shape(1) = CInt(129) ' Column type.
vntField1Shape(2) = CInt(40) ' Column size.
vntField1Shape(3) = False ' Nullable?
vntField2Shape(0) = "Age"
vntField2Shape(1) = CInt(3)
vntField2Shape(2) = CInt(-1)
vntField2Shape(3) = True
vntField3Shape(0) = "DateOfBirth"
vntField3Shape(1) = CInt(7)
vntField3Shape(2) = CInt(-1)
vntField3Shape(3) = True
vntField4Shape(0) = "Balance"
vntField4Shape(1) = CInt(6)
vntField4Shape(2) = CInt(-1)
vntField4Shape(3) = True
' Put all fields into an array of arrays.
vntRecordShape(0) = vntField1Shape
vntRecordShape(1) = vntField2Shape
vntRecordShape(2) = vntField3Shape
vntRecordShape(3) = vntField4Shape
' Use the RDSServer.DataFactory to create an empty
' recordset. It takes an array of variants where
' every element is itself another array of
' variants, one for every column required in the
' recordset.
' The elements of the inner array are the column's
' name, type, size, and nullability.
' NOTE: You could just use the RDS.DataControl object
' instead of the RDSServer.DataFactory object. In
' that case, the following code would be Set NewRS
' = ADC1.CreateRecordset(vntRecordShape)
Dim NewRs As ADODB.Recordset
Set NewRs = ADF.CreateRecordSet(vntRecordShape)
Dim fields(3)
fields(0) = vntField1Shape(0)
fields(1) = vntField2Shape(0)
fields(2) = vntField3Shape(0)
fields(3) = vntField4Shape(0)
' Populate the new recordset with data values.
Dim fieldVals(3)
' Use AddNew to add the records.
fieldVals(0) = "Joe"
fieldVals(1) = 5
fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/5/1996#)
fieldVals(3) = 123.456
NewRs.AddNew fields, fieldVals
fieldVals(0) = "Mary"
fieldVals(1) = 6
fieldVals(2) = CDate(#6/5/1996#)
fieldVals(3) = 31
NewRs.AddNew fields, fieldVals
fieldVals(0) = "Alex"
fieldVals(1) = 13
fieldVals(2) = CDate(#1/6/1996#)
fieldVals(3) = 34.0001
NewRs.AddNew fields, fieldVals
fieldVals(0) = "Susan"
fieldVals(1) = 13
fieldVals(2) = CDate(#8/6/1996#)
fieldVals(3) = 0#
NewRs.AddNew fields, fieldVals
' Set the newly created and populated Recordset to
' the SourceRecordset property of the
' RDS.DataControl to bind to visual controls
Dim ADC1 As RDS.DataControl
Set ADC1 = New RDS.DataControl
Set ADC1.SourceRecordset = NewRs
'Clean up
If NewRs.State = adStateOpen Then NewRs.Close
Set NewRs = Nothing
Set ADC1 = Nothing
Set ADF = Nothing
Exit Sub
' clean up
If Not NewRs Is Nothing Then
If NewRs.State = adStateOpen Then NewRs.Close
End If
Set NewRs = Nothing
Set ADC1 = Nothing
Set ADF = Nothing
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"
End If
End Sub