
SPEncode members

Provides methods for encoding strings.

The SPEncode type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPEncode Reserved for internal use.Initializes a new instance of the SPEncode class.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member HtmlDecode Decodes the specified encoded string, replacing entities with HTML characters.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncode Encodes the specified string so that special characters used in HTML are encoded as HTML entities.
Public methodStatic member HtmlEncodePreserveSpaces Encodes the specified string so that special characters used in HTML are encoded as HTML entities but spaces are preserved.
Public methodStatic member IsLegalCharInUrl Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified character is a legal character in Universal Resource Locator (URL) protocol.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member NoEncode Applies no encoding to the specified string.
Public methodStatic member ScriptEncode Encodes a string for use in script.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member UrlDecodeAsUrl Decodes the encoded Universal Resource Locator (URL) string, removing quoted UTF-8 formatting for special characters.
Public methodStatic member UrlEncode Encodes the specified string, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format.
Public methodStatic member UrlEncodeAsUrl(String) Encodes the specified string, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, but assumes that the string is a path component of a URL.
Public methodStatic member UrlEncodeAsUrl(String, Boolean) Encodes the specified string, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, but assumes that the string is a path component of a URL and encodes Unicode characters only if the encodeUnicodeCharacters parameter is true.
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncode Encodes the specified string so that characters in embedded HTML tags are displayed as text in the browser, and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncodePreserveSpaces Encodes the specified string so that characters in embedded HTML tags are displayed as text in the browser and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream, but preserves multiple spaces within the string.
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncodePreserveSpacesWithQuote Encodes the specified string so that characters in embedded HTML tags are displayed as text in the browser and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream, but preserves multiple spaces within the string and surrounds the string with quotation marks.
Public methodStatic member WriteHtmlEncodeWithQuote Encodes the specified string so that characters in embedded HTML tags are displayed as text in the browser, and writes the string in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncode(HttpResponse, Decimal) Applies no encoding to the specified decimal value and writes the value to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncode(HttpResponse, Int32) Applies no encoding to the specified integer and writes the integer to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncode(HttpResponse, String) Applies no encoding to the specified string and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncodeWithQuote(HttpResponse, Decimal, Char) Applies no encoding to the specified decimal value and writes the value in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncodeWithQuote(HttpResponse, Int32, Char) Applies no encoding to the specified integer and writes the integer in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteNoEncodeWithQuote(HttpResponse, String, Char) Applies no encoding to the specified string and writes the string in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteScriptEncode Encodes a string for use in script and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteScriptEncodeWithQuote Encodes a string for use in script and writes the string in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlEncode Encodes the specified string, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, and writes the string to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlEncodeAsUrl Encodes the specified string and writes it to the HTTP output content stream, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, but assumes that the string is a path component of a Universal Resource Locator (URL).
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlEncodeAsUrlWithQuote Encodes the specified string and writes it in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, but assumes that the string is a path component of a URL.
Public methodStatic member WriteUrlEncodeWithQuote Encodes the specified string, converting special characters to quoted UTF-8 format, and writes the string in quotation marks to the HTTP output content stream.
Public methodStatic member XmlRemoveControlChars Encodes the specified XML string and removes control characters.


See also


SPEncode class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities namespace