
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics namespace

The Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics namespace exposes a timer job, AnalyticsJobDefinition, which is responsible for performing analysis lifecycle tasks for two analyses: SearchAnalyticsJob and SearchReportsJob. AnalyticsJobBase is the base class from which all analysis jobs inherit from, such as SearchAnalyticsJobBase; SearchAnalyticsJob and SearchReportsJob inherit from SearchAnalyticsJobBase.

Lifecycle tasks include starting, stopping, pausing and resuming an analysis job when requested. Lifecycle tasks also include clearing the analysis cache if needed as well as implementing the analysis failure model.


  Class Description
Public class AnalyticsEventTypeDefinition Represents the definition of an analytics event type.
Public class AnalyticsEventTypeDefinitionCollection Represents a collection of AnalyticsEventTypeDefinition objects.
Public class AnalyticsItemData Historical analytics data for an item or rollup scope.
Public class AnalyticsItemDataBatch Provides batch analytics data for an item or rollup scope.
Public class AnalyticsJobBase Provides a base class for analysis jobs.
Public class AnalyticsJobDefinition SharePoint timer job for handling the different analysis jobs. An instance of this class will start any registered instances of AnalyticsJobBaseon a regular basis.
Public class AnalyticsTenantConfig Configures analytics for a tenant.
Public class AnalyticsTenantSettingsData The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class AnalyticsTenantSettingsDataBatch The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. Represents tenant settings data for batch analytics.
Public class AnalyticsUsageEvent Represents an analytics usage event.
Public class ContinuationTokenItemData Represents a continuation token that can be used to query for the next analytics item data batch.
Public class QueryReportData Provides historical analytics data for a query.
Public class SearchAnalyticsJob Handles the search analytics analysis. This class inherits from AnalyticsJobBase. An instance of AnalyticsJobDefinition will try to run an instance of SearchAnalyticsJob, based on a configured schedule.
Public class SearchAnalyticsJobBase Base class for analysis jobs. This base class includes some additional implementations related to AnalyticsJobBase.
Public class SearchReportsJob Handles the Search Reports analysis. Class inherits from AnalyticsJobBase. An instance of AnalyticsJobDefinition will try to run an instance of SearchReportsJob, based on a configured schedule.
Public class ServiceNotFoundException The exception that is thrown when an instance of IAnalysisEngineAgent cannot be found or resolved.
Public class UsageAnalytics Provides various capabilities related to usage analytics.
Public class UsageAnalyticsJobDefinition Handles analysis for usage analytics, which is an analysis of how users interact with search results.
Public class UsageAnalyticsJobException The exception that is thrown when an instance of UsageAnalyticsJobDefinition encounters class specific failures during its scheduled run.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAnalyticsItemData Represents analytics item data for an item or a rollup scope.
Public interface IAnalyticsServiceApplication Defines common functionality for Search applications that provide analytics processing functionality on the server.
Public interface IAnalyticsUsageEvent Represents analytics usage data for an item.
Public interface IQueryReportData Collects search query report data.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AnalyticsEventTypes A filter used for retrieving event types in the analytics system.
Public enumeration AnalyticsTenantSettingOptions Reserved for future use.Represents options for tenant settings.
Public enumeration CustomEventTypeId The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration EventCountType Defines the type of aggregation done for the specified event.
Public enumeration EventOptions Specifies additional event options.
Public enumeration EventProcessingFrequency Reserved for future use.
Public enumeration EventRollups Defines the type of roll up done for the specified event.
Protected enumeration SearchAnalyticsJobBase.NextAnalysisRunSchedule Represents an enumeration that can be used to specify when to schedule the next analysis job run.
Public enumeration SearchReportTypeId Specifies the types of reports related to search.
Public enumeration StandardEventTypeId Specifies the standard event types.