
IDiagnosticsDataservice members

The interface to access the correlation id related diagnostics data

The IDiagnosticsDataservice type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GetAggregatedDiagnosticsData Get the aggregated value for the data specificed by name in all the scopes. The type of the value of the data must be long or double.
Public method GetDiagnosticsData(String, Boolean) Get the diagnostics data (name/value pairs) for a given correlation id
Public method GetDiagnosticsData(String, String) Get the diagnostics data (name/value pairs) for given correlation id and name
Public method GetDiagnosticsData(String, String, String) Get the diagnostics data (name/value pairs) for given correlation id, scope id and name
Public method GetDiagnosticsDataAsFile Get a diagnostics data value as a file
Public method GetMyCorrelationId Get the correlation id set for the current user and address. The correlation id is set via SetMyCorrelationId. If there is a correlation id set, all requests from the current user and machine will use the correlation id.
Public method GetMyScopes Get the scopes for the current user and address since a specific time
Public method GetScope Get a particular scope for a give correlation id and scope id
Public method GetScopes Get all the scopes for a give correlation id.
Public method GetULSLog Get the ULS log entries for a particular correlation id
Public method PutDiagnosticsData Put the diagnostics data to the store
Public method PutScopes Put the scope data to the store
Public method SetMyCorrelationId Set the correlation id


See also


IDiagnosticsDataservice interface

Microsoft.SharePoint.Diagnostics namespace