
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.AccessControl namespace

Provides types and members for performing access control, determining access to securable objects, specifying access rules, determining rights and so on.


  Class Description
Public class SPAccessRule A rule that describes the access rights of a subject.
Public class SPAclAccessRule<TRightsEnum> A rule that describes the access rights of a Windows identity to a service application.
Public class SPAclSecurity<TAccessRightsEnum> Represents the security settings for a service application.
Public class SPCentralAdministrationSecurity Represents the administration security settings for a service application.
Public class SPIisWebServiceApplicationSecurity Contains security settings for the SPIisWebServiceApplication class.
Public class SPNamedAclRights<TRightsEnum> Represents a name used to describe a set of access rights.
Public class SPNamedCentralAdministrationRights A set of central administration site rights that have a name associated with them.
Public class SPNamedIisWebServiceApplicationRights A set of application rights for a Web service that have a name associated with them.
Public class SPNamedObjectRights Represents a named set of user rights that can be applied to a secured object.
Public class SPObjectRights Defines the rights that can be applied to a secured object.
Public class SPObjectSecurity Represents the security settings for an object.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration SPAppUserRights
Public enumeration SPCentralAdministrationRights Specifies the standard rights for a service application administration access control list (ACL).
Public enumeration SPIisWebServiceApplicationRights Specifies rights for Web service applications.