
PersonalSiteInstantiationState enumeration

Specifies an exception or status code for the state of a personal site instantiation.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.dll)


Public Enumeration PersonalSiteInstantiationState
Dim instance As PersonalSiteInstantiationState
public enum PersonalSiteInstantiationState


Member name Description
Uninitialized Value = 0.
Enqueued Value = 1.
Created Value = 2.
Deleted Value = 3.
PermissionsGeneralFailure Value = 4096.
PermissionsUPANotGranted Value = 4097.
PermissionsUserNotLicensed Value = 4098.
PermissionsSelfServiceSiteCreationDisabled Value = 4099.
PermissionsNoMySitesInPeopleLight Value = 4100.
PermissionsEmptyHostUrl Value = 4101.
PermissionsHostFailedToInitializePersonalSiteContext Value = 4102.
ErrorGeneralFailure Value = 8192.
ErrorManagedPathDoesNotExist Value = 8193.
ErrorLanguageNotInstalled Value = 8194.
ErrorPartialCreate Value = 8195.
ErrorPersonalSiteAlreadyExists Value = 8196.
ErrorRootSiteNotPresent Value = 8197.
ErrorSelfServiceSiteCreateCallFailed Value = 8198.

See also


Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles namespace