
NavigationTerm members

Specifies navigation behavior and properties for a Term object that is used to drive the navigation and friendly URLs for a website.

The NavigationTerm type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method NavigationTerm



  Name Description
Public property AssociatedFolderUrl Gets or sets the URL value that is used to associate some page URLs with this NavigationTerm object to indicate the location of the properties in the site map provider hierarchy.
Public property CatalogTargetUrl Gets the target URL that is used when rewriting URLs for catalog-friendly URLs that are based on this NavigationTerm object.
Public property CatalogTargetUrlForChildTerms Gets the default value of the CatalogTargetUrl property for child NavigationTerm objects. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property CategoryImageUrl Gets or sets the specified URL of an image that optionally can be displayed by a template page.
Public property Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ExcludedProviders A collection of site map provider names that will exclude this navigation term from their results when ExcludeTermsByProvider is true.
Public property ExcludeFromCurrentNavigation Gets or sets whether this navigation term and its child terms are hidden from the current navigation menu.
Public property ExcludeFromGlobalNavigation Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the navigation term and its child terms are hidden from the global navigation menu.
Public property FriendlyUrlSegment Gets a custom friendly URL segment for the node that is represented by the NavigationTerm object.
Public property HoverText Gets or sets a description that is typically displayed by a menu or by breadcrumb navigation controls when the mouse hovers over the navigation link.
Public property Id Gets the Id() property and Id property from the underlying taxonomy object. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property IsDeprecated Indicates whether the NavigationTerm object is deprecated.
Public property IsPinned Indicates whether a Term object is a pinned term.
Public property IsPinnedRoot Indicates whether the underlying Term object is the root of a subtree of pinned terms.
Public property IsReadOnly Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object is in “read-only” mode or “editable” mode. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property LinkType Gets the type of link for this NavigationTermSetItem object. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Protected property ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ObjectVersion Gets a string that indicates the version of the current client object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property Parent Returns the parent NavigationTerm object.
Public property Path Tracks how a client object is created in the ClientRuntimeContext class so that the object can be recreated on the server. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ServerObjectIsNull Gets the server object and returns null if the server object is null. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property SimpleLinkUrl Gets or sets the target URL if the navigation node represents a simple link.
Public property Tag Gets or sets data that is associated with the client object. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property TargetUrl Gets the URL of a publishing page that is used to render a friendly URL.
Public property TargetUrlForChildTerms Gets a string that specifies the default value of the target URL for child NavigationTerm objects. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property TaxonomyName Gets a Name property or a Name property from the underlying taxonomy object. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property Terms Gets a collection of all immediate child NavigationTerm objects of this NavigationTerm object or NavigationTermSet object. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property TermSet Gets the associated NavigationTermSet object that the NavigationTerm belongs to.
Public property Title Gets a navigation node title that is displayed in menus and breadcrumbs. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public property TypedObject Gets the object with the correct type information returned from the server. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property View Gets a NavigationTermSetView object that is used for various purposes such as to resolve relative URLs. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)



  Name Description
Protected method CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method CreateTerm Creates a new NavigationTerm object with the specified termName. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public method CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method DeleteObject Deletes this NavigationTerm object and its child objects from the TermStore object.
Public method FromJson Indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method GetAllParentTerms Returns the parent NavigationTerm object and all of its parent terms.
Public method GetAsEditable Returns an editable version of a NavigationTerm object.
Public methodStatic member GetAsResolvedByView Constructs a NavigationTerm object in editable mode that is bound to the specified Term object.
Public methodStatic member GetAsResolvedByWeb Constructs an editable NavigationTerm object that is bound to a specified Term object.
Public method GetResolvedAssociatedFolderUrl Returns the AssociatedFolderUrl property as a server-relative URL.
Public method GetResolvedDisplayUrl Returns the URL that is displayed in the navigation menus. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public method GetResolvedTargetUrl Returns a target page address as a server-relative URL from the Url() property.
Public method GetResolvedTargetUrlWithoutQuery Returns a target page address as a server-relative URL that does not include a query string.
Public method GetTaxonomyTerm Returns the associated Term object if the NavigationTerm object is in the editable mode.
Public method GetTaxonomyTermStore Returns the associated TermStore if the NavigationTermSetItem object is in the editable mode. (Inherited from NavigationTermSetItem.)
Public method GetWebRelativeFriendlyUrl Returns the friendly URL segments as a concatenated path.
Public method GetWithNewView Returns a new NavigationTerm object based on the NavigationTermSetView that is provided.
Protected method InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson Initializes a non-property field of the client object based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data from the server. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method InitOnePropertyFromJson (Overrides NavigationTermSetItem.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader).)
Public method IsObjectPropertyInstantiated Indicates whether the specified property of the client object is instantiated. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method IsPropertyAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified scalar property has been retrieved or set. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method LoadExpandoFields Initializes the extended properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Move Moves the NavigationTerm object to be a child of the specified NavigationTerm object or NavigationTermSet object.
Public method RefreshLoad Reloads all scalar properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method RemoveFromParentCollection Removes the current client object from the parent client object collection. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve() Retrieves all scalar properties associated with the object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve([]) Retrieves the specified scalar properties associated with the object. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method UpdateClientObjectPropertyType Updates the client object property's value to have correct type by using the type information returned from the server. (Inherited from ClientObject.)


See also


NavigationTerm class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing.Navigation namespace