QueueSystem.GetJobCompletionState メソッド
Project Server キュー サービスの状態およびエラーの指定したジョブのキューを取得します。
名前空間: WebSvcQueueSystem
アセンブリ: ProjectServerServices (ProjectServerServices.dll 内)
<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/GetJobCompletionState", RequestNamespace := "https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/", _
ResponseNamespace := "https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/", _
Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Function GetJobCompletionState ( _
jobUID As Guid, _
<OutAttribute> ByRef errorString As String _
) As JobState
Dim instance As QueueSystem
Dim jobUID As Guid
Dim errorString As String
Dim returnValue As JobState
returnValue = instance.GetJobCompletionState(jobUID, _
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/GetJobCompletionState", RequestNamespace = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/",
ResponseNamespace = "https://schemas.microsoft.com/office/project/server/webservices/QueueSystem/",
Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public JobState GetJobCompletionState(
Guid jobUID,
out string errorString
型: System.Guidキュー ジョブの GUID。
型: System.Stringキュー エラーの XML 記述です。
型: WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState
JobState 列挙値。
プロジェクト サーバーのアクセス許可
権限 |
説明 |
標準的でないです。 |
現在のユーザーは、ジョブの所有者です。 |
Project Server のキューを管理することができます。グローバル アクセス権。 |
別の例QueueSystemユーティリティ クラスのHow to: Use the QueueSystem Serviceを参照してください。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Threading;
namespace SomeNamespace
class QueueSystemUtils
// Wait 2 seconds between each check for job completion.
private const int INCREMENTALSLEEPTIME = 2;
public QueueSystemUtils()
/// <summary>
/// Wait a specified time for the Project Server Queuing service to process a job.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="q">QueueSystem object</param>
/// <param name="timeOut">Maximum time to wait (seconds)</param>
/// <param name="jobId">GUID of queue job</param>
/// <param name="errorString">out: error from GetJobCompletionState plus status</param>
/// <returns>true for success; false for any queue failure</returns>
public bool WaitForQueue(WebSvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q,
int timeOut,
Guid jobId,
out String statusOut)
int wait; // Number of seconds to wait
decimal seconds; // For reporting wait time in decimal format
string xmlError; // XML error output from the queue
string queueStatus; // Outer XML of xmlError string
string status = ""; // Summary status report for output
bool firstPass = true; // First iteration through the while statement
int timeSlept = 0; // Total time slept (seconds)
bool jobIsDone = false; // The queue job completed successfully, if true
bool stopWait = false; // Abort the wait, if true
WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState jobState; // Status of the queue job
while (true)
// On the first iteration, wait the incremental sleep time
// or the maximum requested timeout.
if (firstPass)
// Get the estimated time to wait for the queue to process the job.
// The output from GetJobWaitTime is in seconds.
wait = q.GetJobWaitTime(jobId);
status = string.Format("Estimated job wait time: {0} seconds", wait);
if (timeOut < INCREMENTALSLEEPTIME) wait = timeOut;
firstPass = false;
// If job is not done, wait the incremental sleep time
Thread.Sleep(wait * 1000); // Milliseconds
timeSlept += wait;
// Check job state
jobState = q.GetJobCompletionState(jobId, out xmlError);
// Add the XML error output to the status
StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlError);
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr))
queueStatus = reader.ReadOuterXml();
// Don't add an empty <errinfo> element
if (queueStatus != "<errinfo />") status += "\n\n" + queueStatus;
if (jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.Success)
jobIsDone = true;
else if (jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.Unknown
|| jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.Failed
|| jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.FailedNotBlocking
|| jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.CorrelationBlocked
|| jobState == WebSvcQueueSystem.JobState.Canceled)
stopWait = true;
if (!jobIsDone && timeSlept >= timeOut)
// Cancel the job, otherwise the queue keeps processing it until it is complete.
stopWait = true;
status += string.Format("\n\nExceeded timeout of {0} seconds", timeOut);
if (jobIsDone || stopWait)
// Check jobState again, might be cancelled.
seconds = Convert.ToDecimal(timeSlept);
status += string.Format(
"\n\nJobState: {0:G}\n\nTotal time slept: {1:N} seconds",
jobState, seconds);
statusOut = status;
return jobIsDone;