
Using Communicator for Mac 2011 with Office for Mac 2011

Office for Mac 2011 will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see these resources.


Applies to: Office for Mac 2011

Topic Last Modified: 2015-03-09

Communicator for Mac 2011 is tightly integrated into Outlook, and works seamlessly with other Office for Mac 2011 applications, such as Word and PowerPoint — the familiar applications that users employ daily.

For example, while you are working in Outlook, you can rest the pointer on a status icon to see the contact card for your contact. The contact card shows the presence status for the contact in more detail, and gives you several communication options, such as sending an instant message, e-mail message, or meeting request, or starting an audio or video call. You can also add contacts to the Office Address Book directly from Communicator for Mac. From Outlook, you can use instant messaging to interact with Communicator contacts. You can also use the Instant Message option on the Review tab in Word to send a document in an instant message.

Office Address Book

Add a contact to the Office Address Book

  1. In the Communicator for Mac Contact List window, click Add Add contact.

  2. Specify the e-mail address for the contact that you want to add.

  3. Select the Add this contact to the Office Address Book check box, complete the contact information, and then click Next.

  4. Click Finish.


Communicator is integrated with Outlook, so you can send an instant message (IM) or collaborate with other people on a project, directly from Outlook.


Presence information is available in Outlook for any person who is using Communicator, regardless of whether he or she is in your contact list.

In Outlook, you can interact with your Communicator contacts by sending an IM, or by making audio/video calls. For example, when an e-mail is displayed in the reading pane in Outlook, the presence status of the sender is shown beside the sender's name. You click the status icon to display the various options that you can use to communicate with the sender. The following procedure shows how to send an instant message from Outlook.

Start an instant message conversation, or an audio or video call from Outlook

  1. At the bottom of the navigation panel, click Mail.

  2. In the Outlook reading pane, next to the sender's name, click the status icon.

  3. Click Send an instant message Instant message icon.

With Communicator, you can join a scheduled virtual meeting with colleagues and clients from down the hall or across the world without leaving your desk.

For virtual meetings with audio or video calls, you must have a webcam, a microphone, and either speakers or headphones. If your computer does not have a built-in webcam and microphone, you can purchase a Mac-compatible device to attach to your computer. To learn about how to set up these devices, see Mac Help.

Join a virtual meeting

  1. In the Outlook navigation pane, click Calendar, and then double-click the meeting invitation that contains the URL for the conference call.

  2. Do any of the following:

    To Do this

    Join the conference by using Communicator

    Click Join using Communicator.

    Join the conference by using a Web browser

    Click Join using a Web browser.


You can use Communicator directly from the Review tab in Word to send a document to reviewers and to send an instant message. You can also use the Share command on the File menu to send a file.


To complete the following procedure, you must be signed in to Communicator.

Send a document for review directly from Word

  1. Open the Word document that you want to send for review.

  2. On the Review tab, click Instant Message Instant message icon, and then click the name of the person to whom you want to send the document.

    If the person does not appear on the list, click Other, and then type the person's e-mail or instant messaging address.


    You can also share the document by using the Share command on the File menu. To use the Share command, on the File menu, point to Share, click Instant Message, and then click the name of the person to whom you want to send the document.