
CreateHtmlInfo Class

The CreateHtmlInfo class contains the results of the document conversion.

Public Constructors

The following table shows the constructors of the CreateHtmlInfo class and a brief description of each.

Name Description
CreateHtmlInfo Initializes a new instance of the CreateHtmlInfo class.

Public Properties

The following table shows the properties of the CreateHtmlInfo class, the data type of each property, and a brief description of each.

Name Data type Description
ce Microsoft.HtmlTrans.CreationErrorType Returns a document conversion error constant.
fHasMainFile Boolean Specifies whether the conversion results include a main HTML file.
fHasThicket Boolean Specifies whether the conversion results include additional supporting files.
rgbMainFile Byte[] Returns the binary results of the conversion as a Byte array when the fReturnFileBitsargument is true.
rgrgbThicketFiles Byte[][] Returns the binary contents of the additional supporting files, if any.
rgstrThicketFileNames String[] An array of strings that returns the names of the additional supporting files, if any.
strMainFileName String Returns the name of the main HTML file.
strMainFilePath String Returns the location of the main HTML file.
strThicketFolderName String Returns the location of the additional supporting files, if any.


The CHICreateHtml method of the IHtmlTrLauncher interface returns an instance of the CreateHtmlInfo class.


For a code example that demonstrates the use of the IHtmlTrLoadBalancer and IHtmlTrLauncher interfaces, including the CreateHtmlInfo class, see the CHICreateHtml method.


Namespace: Microsoft.HtmlTrans.Interface

Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft HtmlTrans Interface (in Microsoft.HtmlTrans.Interface.dll)

Security: Code Access Security