
Field Element

The Field element defines the internal data types used in the list infrastructure of a SharePoint site. A field is a column or attribute of information that a user can add to a list.


  Aggregation = "Text"
  AllowHyperlink = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  AllowMultiVote = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  AuthoringInfo = "Text"
  BaseType = "Integer" | "Text"
  CanToggleHidden =  "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ClassInfo = "Text"
  ColName = "Text"
  Commas = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Decimals = "Integer"
  Description = "Text"
  Dir =  "Text"
  DisplayImage = "Text"
  DisplayName = "Text"
  DisplayNameSrcField = "Text"
  Div = "Number"
  FieldRef = "Text"
  FillInChoice = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Filterable = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ForcedDisplay = "Text"
  Format = "Text"
  FromBaseType = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  HeaderImage = "Text"
  Hidden = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  HTMLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  JoinColName = "Text"
  LCID = "Integer"
  List = "Text"
  Max = "Number"
  MaxLength = "Integer"
  Min = "Number"
  Mult = "Number"
  Name = "Text"
  NegativeFormat = "MinusSign" | "Parens"
  Node = "Text"
  NoEditFormBreak = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  NumLines = "Integer"
  Percentage = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  PIAttribute = "Text"
  PITarget = "Text"
  Presence = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  PrimaryKey = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ReadOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  RenderXMLUsingPattern = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Required = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  RichText = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Sealed = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  SeparateLine = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ShowField = "Text" | "Choice" | "Counter"
  ShowInEditForm = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ShowInFileDlg = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ShowInNewForm = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Sortable = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  StorageTZ = "UTC" | "Abstract"
  StripWS = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  SuppressNameDisplay = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  TextOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Type = "Data_Type">
  URLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  URLEncodeAsUrl = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  XName = "Text">


Name Description
Aggregation Optional Text. Used in an aggregate field on an XML form to specify the function to apply to a collection of values or elements returned by an XPath expression. Possible functions include the following:
  • sum — Add the values.
  • count — Count the number of values.
  • average — Find the average of the values.
  • min — Find the minimum value.
  • max — Find the maximum value.
  • merge — Merge the values.
  • text — Convert the node text content into plain text.
  • first — Apply property promotion and demotion to the first element.
  • last — Apply property promotion and demotion to the last element.
AllowHyperlink Optional Boolean. TRUE if hyperlinks can be used in the field.
AllowMultiVote Optional Boolean. TRUE if multiple responses are allowed in a survey.
AuthoringInfo Optional Text. A descriptive string that is displayed in the field editing pages to identify the field and its purpose; for example, the LinkTitle field has the authoring info "(link to item)". This attribute is usually used if a field of the same name exists for another purpose.
BaseType Optional. The BaseType attribute can be set to Integer, which stores values as integers, or to Text (default), which stores values as text. Note that it is illegal to create integer base-type choice fields.
CanToggleHidden Optional Boolean. TRUE if the field can be hidden through the user interface.
ClassInfo Optional Text. Specifies a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class to use for the field in the standard table view. If set, the specified class will be used instead of the standard ms-vb2 class.
ColName Optional Text. An internal attribute that defines the mapping of the field to the physical storage name for this field. It needs to be a valid name in the underlying database and must be identical to the name used in the database table. If not specified, the server generates a column name that does not collide with any existing column names and that contains no illegal characters for Microsoft SQL Server.
Commas Optional Boolean. TRUE if commas are used to separate thousands.
Decimals Optional Integer. Determines the number of decimals to display. The value displayed is rounded up to the display precision; for example, 1.05 is displayed as 1.1 when rounded to one decimal place.
Description Optional Text. Provides the description that is shown in the edit form for a list if a field description is specified. By default, fields in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services do not have descriptions.
Dir Optional Text. Specifies the direction of text for a field that supports bidirectional reading order. The possible values are LTR (left-to-right), RTL (right-to-left), and none.
DisplayImage Optional Text. Specifies the name of an icon that is displayed for the column.
DisplayName Optional Text. The displayed name for a field. It has no restrictions as to text size, use of spaces, and so on. The display name is editable by the user and can change after initial field creation. This name is used as a column heading when the field is displayed in a table view and as a form label when the field is displayed in a form. The <FieldName/> tag returns the display name if given; otherwise, it defaults to the Name attribute.
DisplayNameSrcField Optional Text. Used generally for a computed field that needs the same name as another field. If the source field is modified and the display name is changed by a user, then the display name of this field will also change. This string refers to the name of the other field.
Div Optional Number. A scale factor used in division before displaying a number. The display number is N * Mult / Div (rounded up to the number specified by Decimals).
FieldRef Optional Text. Specifies the name of another field to which the field refers, such as for a Lookup field.
FillInChoice Optional Boolean. TRUE if the field allows users to fill in values for the column.
Filterable Optional Boolean. TRUE if the field can be filtered.
ForcedDisplay Optional Text. Specifies text to display in place of the actual field value. This attribute is used in surveys to prevent the user name from being displayed.
Format Optional Text. Specifies the formatting to be used for numerical values.

For date/time fields, the following values are possible:

  • DateOnly — Only display (and allow edits to) the date portion (the time portion is set to 12:00 A.M. for all edited values).
  • DateTime — Display and edit both date and time of day (default).
  • ISO8601 — Display date and time in ISO8601 time format converted to UTC: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

    This is the format used for document properties in Microsoft Office as well as for the standard interchange format used in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services between New and Edit forms and the server.

  • ISO8601Basic — Use the abbreviated form of 8601 date/time formats: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ.

    This is the format used for vCard/iCal.

For Choice fields, this attribute can be set to Dropdown (default), which provides editing options through a drop-down selection, or to RadioButtons, which provides options through a group of radio buttons.

For URL fields, this attribute can be set to Hyperlink (default), which displays the URL as a normal <A> tag, or to Image, which displays the URL as <IMG SRC="URL" ALT="Description">.

FromBaseType Optional Boolean. This attribute has been deprecated in favor of the Sealed attribute.
HeaderImage Optional Text. Specifies the name of an image file to use as a header in the field.
Hidden Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is completely hidden from the user interface. Setting ReadOnly to TRUE means the field is not displayed in New or Edit forms but can still be included in views.
HTMLEncode Optional Boolean. TRUE to convert embedded characters so that they are displayed as text in the browser. In other words, characters that could be confused with HTML tags are converted to entities.
JoinColName Optional Text. This attribute is defined only for Lookup fields. It is much like ColName, except it denotes the name of the column that is used in the SQL join between the local and foreign lists. Ordinarily, this value should not be customized. It is currently used only in the Field schema of certain built-in and base type fields to denote lookups into the URLs (DocMd) table, which is joined on the UrlID column.
JoinType Optional Text. Specifies the type of join used on the field. Possible values include INNER, LEFT OUTER, and RIGHT OUTER.
LCID Optional Integer. The LCID attribute can be used to specify the country/region whose currency format is being used, for example, 1033 for the United States.

Two special cases involve the euro symbol format. If LCID = -1 (0xFFFFFFF), the euro symbol is added as a prefix to the number. If LCID = -2 (0xFFFFFFE), the euro symbol is added as a suffix to the number. The number of decimal digits is 2, although this can be overridden by the Decimals attribute of the field. The euro currency symbol is equal to 0x20AC in UCS-2.

List Optional Text. Specifies the internal name of a list.
Max Optional Number. Specifies the maximum value allowed for the field.
MaxLength Optional Integer. Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in a field value. Edit forms are adjusted to enforce this value, which is validated on the client. If the user attempts to enter more than the number of characters set by MaxLength, an error message appears.
Min Optional Number. Specifies the minimum value allowed for the field.
Mult Optional Number. A scale factor used in multiplication before displaying a number.
Name Optional Text. The name of a field. This is the internal name of a field and is guaranteed never to change for the lifetime of the field definition. It must be unique with respect to the set of fields in a list. The name is auto-generated based on the user-defined name for a field.
NegativeFormat Optional. Specifies how to indicate negative values. Can be set to one of the following values:
  • MinusSign — Use minus sign as prefix.
  • Parens — Surround with parentheses.
Node Optional Text. Used in XML forms, this attribute is required for all fields except processing instruction (PI) links, and it specifies the XPath expression for a node that is promoted.
NoEditFormBreak Optional Boolean. TRUE to prevent a line break from being added between fields in the new item form or edit item form. Some field types, such as a rich-text field, provide spacing by default, and this attribute allows control over the extra spacing that results.
NumLines Optional Integer. Recommends the number of lines (rows) to display in a TEXTAREA block during editing. This is merely a client UI hint – there is no enforced limitation on the number of lines of text that can be edited.
Percentage Optional Boolean. TRUE if the value is displayed as a percentage; that is, a number multiplied by 100 with a percent sign (%) appended.
PIAttribute Optional Text. Used in XML forms for processing instructions (PI) in link management, specifying the XPath expression that indicates where the URL to the document library is stored in each XML file.
PITarget Optional Text. Used in XML forms for processing instructions (PI) in link management, specifying the link to the template URL for a form so that the XML file remains linked.
Presence Optional Boolean. TRUE if user information is present for the field.
PrimaryKey Optional Boolean. TRUE if the field is the primary key in the relationship between the list and another list.
ReadOnly Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field is not displayed in New or Edit forms but can be included in views. Setting the Hidden attribute to TRUE completely hides the field from the UI.
RenderXMLUsingPattern Optional Boolean. Used for computed fields to determine the display format. If TRUE, values are rendered based on the display pattern of the computed field, rather than on the column value of the first noncomputed field reference upon which the computed field is based. For example, in a picture library the Picture Size column is represented by width x height, but if this attribute is not set to TRUE, only the first field reference, width, is displayed. If it is set to TRUE, the format of width x height is displayed.
Required Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field must not have an empty value assigned to it. If a nonempty field value is not given in a form post, either the standard required-field text or an explicitly specified message (that is, via <ErrorText> tags) is displayed in the error form. This validation is handled by the client only (the database always allows NULL for all user-defined fields).
RichText Optional Boolean. TRUE if the field displays rich text formatting.
Sealed Optional Boolean. Setting this attribute to TRUE for a field in the SCHEMA.XML file for a list marks the field as irremovable in the Change Column page.
SeparateLine Optional Boolean. Used internally to support rendering a field (for example, Notes or Comment) in a separate line. This attribute is not intended for public use.
ShowAddressBookButton This attribute is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ShowField Optional. The ShowField attribute can be set to the field name to display. By default, a hyperlinked text from the Title field of the record in the external list is displayed. But the ShowField attribute can be used to override that and display another field from the external list.

The following data types are allowed as targets of a ShowField attribute: Text, Choice, and Counter.

ShowInEditForm Optional Boolean. TRUE to display the field on the Edit Item page.
ShowInFileDlg Optional Boolean. This attribute is valid only for fields within document library schemas. If FALSE, the field will not show up in the property dialog box for saving forms that appears when saving from client applications. For example, the Title field has this attribute because this is set directly in the document being saved to the document library.
ShowInNewForm Optional Boolean. If FALSE, the field will not show up in a Fields enumeration when the display mode is set to New. Fields with this setting will not show up in the default New Item page for a given list. In particular, this is used to hide fields on the page for uploading documents to the document library.
Sortable Optional Boolean. TRUE if values in the field can be sorted.
StorageTZ Specifies how date/time values are stored. When StorageTZ is set to UTC, the date/time is handled as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). To denote that a date/time value refers to "abstract" time, meaning that the date/time is stored in the database as entered by the user without conversion or storage of the local time zone, omit the StorageTZ attribute.
StripWS Optional Boolean. TRUE if white space is removed from the beginning and end of field values.
SuppressNameDisplay Optional Boolean. TRUE to not display the name of the user in a User field.
TextOnly Optional Boolean. If TRUE, the field can only contain Text values.
Type Optional. The data type of the field. The types listed in the following table are available.
Attachments Stores the URLs for attachments.
BooleanUsed to store a TRUE/FALSE value (stored in the database as 0 or 1). This field is sortable and groupable.
ChoiceAllows the user to specify a predetermined set of values that can be used to enter data into the field. The Choice and Lookup types are the most important fields for sorting and grouping. The BaseType and Format attributes can be used for choice fields. This field is sortable and groupable. When a value is given for a choice option, then that value is used as the submitted value for the field selection. When no value is given, that choice is submitted as the text value of the choice. In all cases, the text value of the choice is what is displayed in the UI (drop-down list or radio button text). The order in which choices appear in the editing UI is always the order that items are specified within the CHOICES element.Use the MultiChoice type to specify a Choice field that implements check boxes and allows the user to select multiple values.
ComputedSpecifies a field that depends on another field for its contents. For example, a LinkTitleNoMenu field amounts to surrounding a Title field value with a hyperlink.
CounterGenerally only used for the internal ID field. Its integer value is set automatically to be unique with respect to every other item in the current list. The Counter type is always read-only and cannot be set via a form post. This field is sortable but not groupable.
CrossProjectLinkUsed to connect an event in a SharePoint list with a Meeting Workspace site and refers specifically to the field type of the checkbox used in New and Edit Item forms to create a Meeting Workspace site for the item.
CurrencyAllows for a currency value to be entered. Each currency field is tied to a specific locale's currency. In all other respects, it is treated like the Number field type. Use the LCID attribute to indicate a currency of a specific locale. The Decimals, Max, and Min attributes can be used for currency types. This field is sortable and groupable.
DateTimeAllows for storage of a fully qualified date or time of day. Use the Format attribute to specify date formatting, and use the StorageTZ attribute to determine how date/time values are stored. This field is sortable and groupable. For Display mode, the order of date formatting derives from the regional settings ("M/D/Y" or "D/M/Y"). In Edit mode (or in New mode for Default element value), date/times are rendered in universal format: M/D/Y hh:mm am/pm.
FileContains a file.
GuidAllows for globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).
IntegerAllows for positive or negative integer values. The Commas and NegativeFormat attributes are used to specify integer formatting.
LookupBehaves very similarly to a Choice field, except that the available options come from another list rather than being a hard-coded selection of values. The List and ShowField attributes can be used for Lookup fields. This field is sortable and groupable. For sorting and grouping, use the DisplayField value (Title, by default) rather than the foreign key stored in the list.
ModStatContains content approval status. Possible values include Approved (default), Rejected, and Pending (stored in the database as 0, 1, or 2, respectively).
MultiChoiceSpecifies a Choice field that implements check boxes and allows the user to select multiple values.
Note  Allows users to enter multiple lines of text. This field is neither sortable nor groupable. All text is defined to be straight ASCII without HTML markup. Anything that looks like HTML markup or a URL is just quoted (for example, Server.HTMLEncode) to look like straight text. The control for editing this format is a simple TEXTAREA block. Use the NumLines attribute to specify the number of lines to display.
NumberAllows for a floating point number to be entered. This field is sortable and groupable. Numbers entered are parsed according to the current locale settings for decimal points and thousand separators. Negative numbers can be indicated by wrapping them in parentheses or by using a negative symbol.The following attributes can be used in conjunction with the Number attribute to specify number formatting: Decimals, Div, Max, Min, Mult, and Percentage.
RecurrenceUsed to edit and define the recurrence pattern for an item in an events list.
TextA single line of text entered in an edit box. This field is sortable and groupable. Use the MaxLength attribute to set a maximum number of characters allowed.
ThreadingThe Threading field type is used in the creation and display of threaded discussion-like views. Any list can contain a threading column, but a special UI is generated when it is used. (It is never displayed as a standard editable field in a form nor as a normal column in a view.) If a sort is performed on a threading field, a pre-order traversal of all the records in a parent-child relationship is returned. This is accomplished by saving the concatenation of the creation date and ID number of all the parent records of a particular record.
URLUsed to create a freeform hyperlink. A URL field is displayed as <A HREF="URL">Description</A>. If no description is given, it is displayed as <A HREF="URL">URL</A>.The URL text is itself stored in the URLs (DocMd) table, which stores all the URLs in Microsoft SharePoint databases on the server. This is done so that any URLs that are local on the server can be updated via link fix-up when their destination moves.When a record with a URL field contained within it is deleted, the corresponding referenced record from the URL table is also deleted.This field is sortable and groupable. (The sort is defined according to the textual description rather than the contents of the URL; if no description is given, it sorts the same as blank.)When Type is URL, the LinkType attribute can be used to specify the type of link.
UserA Lookup field that references the UserInfo database table.
Attachments Stores the URLs for attachments.
Boolean Used to store a TRUE/FALSE value (stored in the database as 0 or 1). This field is sortable and groupable.
Choice Allows the user to specify a predetermined set of values that can be used to enter data into the field. The Choice and Lookup types are the most important fields for sorting and grouping. The BaseType and Format attributes can be used for choice fields. This field is sortable and groupable. When a value is given for a choice option, then that value is used as the submitted value for the field selection. When no value is given, that choice is submitted as the text value of the choice. In all cases, the text value of the choice is what is displayed in the UI (drop-down list or radio button text). The order in which choices appear in the editing UI is always the order that items are specified within the CHOICES element.Use the MultiChoice type to specify a Choice field that implements check boxes and allows the user to select multiple values.
Computed Specifies a field that depends on another field for its contents. For example, a LinkTitleNoMenu field amounts to surrounding a Title field value with a hyperlink.
Counter Generally only used for the internal ID field. Its integer value is set automatically to be unique with respect to every other item in the current list. The Counter type is always read-only and cannot be set via a form post. This field is sortable but not groupable.
CrossProjectLink Used to connect an event in a SharePoint list with a Meeting Workspace site and refers specifically to the field type of the checkbox used in New and Edit Item forms to create a Meeting Workspace site for the item.
Currency Allows for a currency value to be entered. Each currency field is tied to a specific locale's currency. In all other respects, it is treated like the Number field type. Use the LCID attribute to indicate a currency of a specific locale. The Decimals, Max, and Min attributes can be used for currency types. This field is sortable and groupable.
DateTime Allows for storage of a fully qualified date or time of day. Use the Format attribute to specify date formatting, and use the StorageTZ attribute to determine how date/time values are stored. This field is sortable and groupable. For Display mode, the order of date formatting derives from the regional settings ("M/D/Y" or "D/M/Y"). In Edit mode (or in New mode for Default element value), date/times are rendered in universal format: M/D/Y hh:mm am/pm.
File Contains a file.
Guid Allows for globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).
Integer Allows for positive or negative integer values. The Commas and NegativeFormat attributes are used to specify integer formatting.
Lookup Behaves very similarly to a Choice field, except that the available options come from another list rather than being a hard-coded selection of values. The List and ShowField attributes can be used for Lookup fields. This field is sortable and groupable. For sorting and grouping, use the DisplayField value (Title, by default) rather than the foreign key stored in the list.
ModStat Contains content approval status. Possible values include Approved (default), Rejected, and Pending (stored in the database as 0, 1, or 2, respectively).
MultiChoice Specifies a Choice field that implements check boxes and allows the user to select multiple values.
Note   Allows users to enter multiple lines of text. This field is neither sortable nor groupable. All text is defined to be straight ASCII without HTML markup. Anything that looks like HTML markup or a URL is just quoted (for example, Server.HTMLEncode) to look like straight text. The control for editing this format is a simple TEXTAREA block. Use the NumLines attribute to specify the number of lines to display.
Number Allows for a floating point number to be entered. This field is sortable and groupable. Numbers entered are parsed according to the current locale settings for decimal points and thousand separators. Negative numbers can be indicated by wrapping them in parentheses or by using a negative symbol.The following attributes can be used in conjunction with the Number attribute to specify number formatting: Decimals, Div, Max, Min, Mult, and Percentage.
Recurrence Used to edit and define the recurrence pattern for an item in an events list.
Text A single line of text entered in an edit box. This field is sortable and groupable. Use the MaxLength attribute to set a maximum number of characters allowed.
Threading The Threading field type is used in the creation and display of threaded discussion-like views. Any list can contain a threading column, but a special UI is generated when it is used. (It is never displayed as a standard editable field in a form nor as a normal column in a view.) If a sort is performed on a threading field, a pre-order traversal of all the records in a parent-child relationship is returned. This is accomplished by saving the concatenation of the creation date and ID number of all the parent records of a particular record.
URL Used to create a freeform hyperlink. A URL field is displayed as <A HREF="URL">Description</A>. If no description is given, it is displayed as <A HREF="URL">URL</A>.The URL text is itself stored in the URLs (DocMd) table, which stores all the URLs in Microsoft SharePoint databases on the server. This is done so that any URLs that are local on the server can be updated via link fix-up when their destination moves.When a record with a URL field contained within it is deleted, the corresponding referenced record from the URL table is also deleted.This field is sortable and groupable. (The sort is defined according to the textual description rather than the contents of the URL; if no description is given, it sorts the same as blank.)When Type is URL, the LinkType attribute can be used to specify the type of link.
User A Lookup field that references the UserInfo database table.
URLEncode Optional Boolean. TRUE to convert special characters, such as spaces, to quoted UTF-8 format, for example, %c3%ab for character ë.
URLEncodeAsURL Optional Boolean. Like URLEncode, but TRUE to specify that the string to encode is a path component of a URL so that forward slashes ("/") are not encoded.
XName Optional Text. Used internally in XML forms to identify fields that have been added, deleted, or modified. This attribute is not intended for public use.

Element Relationships

Parent Elements Child Elements
DisplayPattern, Fields, GetFileExtension, ListFormBody, ListFormButtons, ListFormOpening, Method, Row, UrlBaseName, ViewBody CHOICES, DisplayBidiPattern, DisplayPattern, FieldRefs, Formula


Fields can be referenced from View definitions as well as from expressions stored in pages (via Collaborative Application Markup Language, or CAML) and in computed field rendering elements. The syntax for referencing a field is as follows: <Field Name="FieldName"/>.

By default, the field is rendered with the default attributes for that field definition as specified in the previous table. Any of the field attributes can be overridden in the CAML markup of the FieldRef attribute, which will override the definition given for the field itself. (The Type attribute cannot be changed for a field.)

<Property Select="DisplayName"/> can be used to display the user-defined display name of a field.

Within a Fields element enumeration, the Name attribute can be omitted. The code <ows:Property Select="DisplayName"/>: <ows:Field/> will produce a string with the user name of a field, followed by a colon, space, and the value (or edit control, depending on the current display mode).

For some field references, the raw data stored for the field can be accessed by using <Column/>.

Some properties of fields from forms and from certain aspects of the authoring UI can be rendered through the Property element, for example, <Property Select="Description"/> or <Property Select="Type"/>. These elements simply retrieve the value of any field attribute or child element (Property) by name.

In addition to the preceding types, the following predefined fields are used with the Field element.

Name Description
Created A field that contains a DateTime value specifying the time that the item was created (in UTC).
CreatedBy A field that contains a Lookup value that refers to the UserInfo table and indicates the user who created the item.
Edit A Computed field (with no additional schema) that contains a hyperlink to the form for editing an item. This field references the page for editing the item and the ID field to identify it.
ID A Counter field type that is associated with every item in every list. The ID uniquely identifies the list item in URLs and in POST forms when editing. A value of "New" for an ID field in the Cmd=Save command will create a new item rather than edit a current item.
Modified A field that contains a DateTime value specifying the time that the item was last modified (in UTC). The Modified time is used as a sort of Version field as well. The last modification date of an item is always posted when an existing item is being edited. If it does not match the current modification date, the server fails the edit and returns an error to the user, providing a link to the current data on the server (which opens in a new window), so that posted values can be copied from the old form into the new one.
ModifiedBy A field that contains a Lookup value to the UserInfo table indicating the user who last modified the item.
Title The generic display name of every item. It may have a different display name in different lists but the same internal field name of "Title." The title is the default text to display for Lookup fields to lists.
LinkTitle A computed field that displays hyperlinks to items, containing the title texts and generating URLs (and new icon references) to the items. There is no additional storage for this field; it relies on the ID and Title fields for rendering of its UI.

Note  The fields returned in a Fields enumeration are affected by the display mode. Fields that are marked with the Hidden attribute are never returned. Fields that are marked with the ReadOnly attribute are not returned if a form is being rendered (in other words, if Fields is called from within a ListForm element). Fields that are marked with the ShowInNewForm attribute are not returned in the NEW or PREVIEWNEW display modes. Fields marked with the ShowInFileDlg attribute are not returned when rendering the NewForm dialog form.


The following example uses the Field element to specify options for a list named Area list.

<Field Type="Choice" BaseType="Text" Name="Area">
    <CHOICE>Site Design</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Schema Design</CHOICE>
    <CHOICE>Inter-Team Issues</CHOICE>