
IFilterRegistration Interface

The IFilterRegistration interface defines the methods and properties of the FilterRegistration object.


IUnknown interface

Public Methods

The following table describes the methods of the IFilterRegistration interface.

Name Description
CopyFilterMapping Not supported.
EnumerateFilterMappings Method Enumerates mappings for the specified IFilter.
GetDefaultFilter Method Gets the default IFilter for the specified data source or content type.
LoadIFilterEx Method Gets the IFilter that is the most suitable for the specified content type. This method is superceded by the LoadIFilter method of theLoadFilter object.
LoadIFilterFromStorageEx Method Gets the IFilter that is the most suitable for the content contained in an IStorage object. This method is superceded by LoadIFilterFromStorage method of the LoadFilter object.
LoadIFilterFromStreamEx Method Gets the IFilter that is the most suitable for a Class ID retrieved from a stream variable. This method is superceded by LoadIFilterFromStream method of the LoadFilter object.
RegisterDefaultFilter Method Creates the necessary registry entries to set an IFilter as the default handler for a specified data source or content type.
RegisterFilter Method Creates the necessary registry entries to set an IFilter as a handler for one or more data sources or content types. This method is superceded by RegisterFilterEx method of the FilterRegistration2 object.
ReorderFilterMappings Not supported.
UnregisterDefaultFilter Method Removes the registry entries that set the specified IFilter as the default handler for a specified data source or content type.
UnregisterFilter Method Removes the registry entries that set the specified IFilter as a handler for one or more data sources or content types.


Use these methods in the DLLRegisterServer and DLLUnregisterServer functions of your custom IFilter.


Platform: Microsoft Windows Server 2003